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Get to a doctor. Everything might be okay, but do you really want to take a chance?

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Q: You had cramping for a couple hours mild cramping and dark spotting.Is this signs of miscarriage or is it normal?
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If you just had a miscarriage is it normal to still be bleeding and cramping after a week and the blood has an odor to it?

yes very normal.

I had a miscarriage in July and now I am pregnant again about 5 weks Today I started cramping but no bleeding should I be concerned?

Cramping is totally normal aslong as there is no bleeding. Cramping is totally normal aslong as there is no bleeding.

I'm having a little cramping after having a miscarriage should I go to a hospital?

Only if they are very bad. Cramps after/during a miscarriage are normal

Is light cramping with pinkish bleeding and very small clot normal?

It was due to a miscarriage - it was the beginning of one anyways.

You are 11 weeks pregnant with slight cramping on your left side is it normal for the cervix to feel open?

As far as I know, if your cervix is open, a miscarriage is inevitable. I could be wrong, but that's the way it was explained to me. I've had one miscarriage in the past.

Did you have a miscarriage if you had bad cramping and bleeding but it wasn't heavy?

If the bleeding wasn't heavy this should be normal, but anytime you bleed you should let your doctor know right away.

Should i be cramping or bleeding?

It's normal if you are having a period, but not for any other reason. If you aren't menstruating, or if you are but the cramping lasts more than a couple of days, you need to see a doctor.

I'm 14week's and 6day's is it normal to have cramping?

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.

Is it normal that mild cramping at four to six weeks pregnant suddenly stopped and is it indicative of a possible miscarriage if the woman has had a prior miscarriage at 7 weeks?

It could mean that you have had a miscarriage, but this is normally accompanied by bleeding and heacier cramping. Everything could be fine, bit with a history of miscarriage I would avoid sex and strenuous physical activity and see your doctor. The doctor can obtain a Quantitative HCG level and then obtain another in a week or so to make sure your HCG level is rising at it should.

How long does or can implantation cramping last with no bleeding?

Implantation cramping is different in every woman. It can last a few hours to about a week, but still even after the egg has implanted, you can still experience cramping, such as, throughout your whole pregnancy, due to the uterus growing and changing.If you are concerned, check with your doctor.

Is cramping normal at 7 weeks pregnant?

i am seven weeks pregnant and i have cramping everyday is it normal

Is cramping and bleeding at 9 weeks normal?

This isn't uncommon. I have known people to have there period throughout their whole pregnancy. But, you should consult a doctor if your concerned