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Could be stone in tyre

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Q: You have a ticking noise which gets worse the faster the car goes it is a vauxhall astra?
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2002 GMC Envoy exhaust ticking noise?

the ticking noise is a small exhaust leak close to the exhaust headers or exhaust pipe near the engine.

How do you stop the ticking noise when accelerating?

Take it to a mechanic

Why would an old van make a ticking noise when the van is turned off and stop when you turn on the ignition or the lights and also it will not start?

The ticking noise is the metal cooling.

Why is there a ticking noise in a 1997 Honda Prelude?

if ticking noise is in engine, u most likely have a worn hydraulic lifter. check oil for correct volume and viscocity

Your 2000 grand prix gtp is losing power and making a ticking noise?

yes, my 2000 grand prix gtp is losing power and makes ticking noise.

What causes engine ticking noise on a 2006 Toyota Avalon?

The fuel injectors make the ticking noise you hear at startup, especially when the engine is cold (colder temperatures).

How do you know when to change the tensioner because you have a ticking noise?

from which part of your engine is the ticking noise coming from. if is the TOP it would most likely be lifter noise.try using a thicker oil.

Ttr 125 has ticking noise at idle is this okay?

My 2006 TT-R has a slight ticking noise. BTW the bike is almost brand new, almost 10 hours on it.

You hear noise when I start the car then when the enegin warms up the noise is gone?

Is it a lifter ticking?

What is ticking noise in 2005 explorer?

could be a lifter sticking

Why does my starter makes a ticking noise?

Most likely the ticking you are hearing is that from your solonoid. This is generally related with insufficient power from the battery.

Your Vauxhall astra club 1.6 makes a horrible noise when you accelerate its like a puffing sound it passed its mot fine but you would like to know what it could be?

yea mine makes a funny vibrating noise when i accelerate hard, but it doesnt make it if i accelerate gently? i have no idea sorry