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It is too early to know if you are pregnant or if it is just PMS-type symptoms. Give it another week or so and then take a pregnancy test. Unfortunately, most of the early pregnancy symptoms are the exact same symptoms that you are about to get your period so it is nearly impossible to distinguish until at least 10-14 days after ovulation when you can think about taking a home pregnancy test. And remember, testing too early won't help because you won't know if the negative is really a negative or if you just tried too soon. It's best to hold out until you would expect your period, or if you are irregular, don't try until at least 12 days after you ovulated. Good luck and I hope it comes out the way you hope.

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Q: You have been extra moody and think you may be pregnant but you would have conceived only 6 or 7 days ago Is it too early to be having this symptom?
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no it could be that your cycle decided to take a change due to hormones,stress,medication,etc.just because your monthly was early doesnt mean your pregnant

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itchiness is a problem in pregnancy that has something to do with a liver function problem, if you think you are pregnant you need to go to an ob/gyn and find out as soon as possible. ~pawsalmighty

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