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Take a pregnancy test.

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Q: You have been throwing up and your period is two days late?
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You were late for your period by 12 days then you started bleeding quite heavy for about 7 days was this just a late period?

Yes, sometimes your period can just be late. You can check this site for more information as to why it could have been late.

If you have not been using your pill right and now you are 4 days late on your period what could that mean?

your pregnant

What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

If your period is a week late and you have been bleeding for 3 days and tomorrow will be the first of the next month could you be pregnant or could it be just a very late period?

probalbly just a late period, but a 10.00 dollars pregnancy test is a sure way of knowing.

Your period is 3 days late and you have been slightly cramping for about a week Could you be pregnant?

when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?

Could I be pregnant if my period has been about 4 to 5 days late and my regular menstruation cycle is 26 to 27 days?

26 days is not "late", it's "missing entirely." Yes, you could be.

Can you be pregnant if your period 5 days late you the feeling that you want to throw up all the time and you can not see meat?

If you are late, That is reason enough for you to do a test. Throwing up after 5 days is very early for morning sickness but could also be a sign. The looking at meat thing I doubt has anything to do with it.

Why has it been 42 days since you started your last period?

Because you obviously have a 42 day cycle.It's that simple, although 28 days is average everyone is different and your period may be late.

It has been 30 days since the first day of my last period am i late?

Just barely. It depends how long your cycle is.

What if your three days late for your period?

What if you are three days late for your period? It's normal for there to be around 7 days variation from your average menstrual cycle. A few days 'late' isn't a big deal, as long as you're not sexually active no reason for you to worry about it.

What causes your period to be four days late?


Why might your period be 9 days late?

There are a few reasons why a person may have a period that is 9 days late. The person may be pregnant or it could be stress related.