

Best Answer

give each other blind makovers

order Pizza for ur frend in another town

prank call

go to the store in ur pj's and randomly start dancing

fat feast!!!!!!!!!!!(eat everything that is unhealty in ur house!)

truth or dare

go caroling in the summer

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Q: You have got a friend coming for a sleepover soon im thirteen by the way and you want to know some fun activities you could do?
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Related questions

What to do when your friend is coming for a sleepover?

Usually when you have a sleepover people have them at their house.

How do you figure out why your friend left your sleepover?

Ask 'em: 'Buddy why'd you leave my sleepover?'

What to do if you want a sleepover with your friend but they don't want to have a sleepover don't?

Don't be too upset, it may be that your friend's parents are the ones who don't want sleepovers.

How do you get you and your friend a sleepover as soon as possible?

Be nice to your parents.

How do you spell sleepover in passed tense?

The past tense of sleepover is slept over.Ex:On the weekend I slept over at my friend's house.

What is a double sleepover?

A double sleepover is when the guests stay for 2 nights instead of 1 night! And my friend Jenny might have 1!

What can you do if your friend goes home at a sleepover?

Depends. Why did your friend go home? Is it your sleepover or someone elses? Call them and offer them what they want. Or kidnap them and torture them until they say they're having fun. Your choice!

How do you get your friend's parents to say yes to a sleepover that same day?


How do I tell my friend that I went out with another guy?

If she/he was really your friend then you will be able to tell her/him easilly at a night out or a sleepover

How do you convince parents to have a sleepover on friend's?

Well, if it's you first time, point out that you've never been to one before and would like to try it out. You could also try to find out what activities you are going to do from the person that is hosting the sleepover and list them out to your parents, to make them realize all the fun you might miss. It took me awhile to convince my parents for a first sleepover also, but now they say "Yes" without even thinking.

Why would my sister's female friend ask her to sleep in over night?

to have a sleepover!

What are good names for a sleepover club?

friend zone,or,magical nigts only bff's