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With any irregularity of periods while using an IUD, you should always rule out pregnancy first. However, spotting is considered normal with an IUD, and the dark brown color indicates that it is "old blood" meaning that the bleeding occurred many hours or a day ago, as opposed to bright red blood, which would indicate a new bleed. All that said, rule out pregnancy before looking further into it, no Birth Control is 100%.

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Q: You have had your copper IUD for over a year.I have had regular heavy periods Until this monthI was a few days late and has only been dark brown spottingCould you be pregnant?
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Periods are the horizontal rows on the Periodic Table. Cu is in the 4th row. Therefore, copper is in period 4 on the Periodic Table.

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Periods are the horizontal rows on the Periodic Table. Cu is in the 4th row. Therefore, copper is in period 4 on the periodic table.

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Fertility returns to your baseline after removal of the IUD. Whether it's easy to get pregnant after removal depends on your fertility, not the IUD.

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The insertion of a copper T can be a painful procedure. Within a few months after the procedure, the pain from the heavy periods will subside as the body gets used to the copper T.

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There is nothing in the IUD that will stop you from ovulating and having a menstrual period.

Can you thread copper pipe?

The factory can as they do with their fittings: MIP's and FIP's Otherwise, it is not thick enough to put a thread on the regular copper pipes themselves.

Regular periods till now. Spotting no period with IUD?

The Mirena can cause periods to stop, it releases a low level of synthetic progesterone. A copper IUD may cause periods to stop, but doesn't generally have this effect soon after placement. Depending on the type of IUD and the length of time it has been in place - you may want to check in with the doctor who placed it to see if you need a pregnancy test. Generally if an IUD is going to fail it does so in the first 3 months.

What are contraindications for the copper t380a IUD but not the levonorgestrel-releasing IUD?

Allergy to copper or Wilson's disease are contraindications to the copper IUD that don't apply to the levonorgestrel IUD. In addition, severe anemia is a contraindication for the copper IUD, but may be an indication for the levonorgestrel IUD, particularly if the anemia is exacerbated by heavy periods.