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You may have a infection of sort and the dischange is just mixing with your cycle however, wait and see if it is still happening after your cycle as it may just be nothing. When we are on our cycle it is a natural way to cleanse and may just be that - it has been known to happen. If you find that it is still happening without your cycle you should be checked for any bacterial infection (such as yeast) and have an STD test done as well.

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Q: You have noticed that you have a pink discharge in the middle of your cycle which has lasted now for 4 days is this normal?
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It lasted 1 day for me. I am on Clomid so I'm not sure if that is normal or not. This was the first time I have been able to track ovulation and the first time I have ever noticed the Egg White discharge. Hope that helped! I actually ran a slight fever the day before. I have not been tracking my basal body temp but my cheeks were all pink and, though I didn't feel sick, my face was hot! i also crapped up a little that night. The next morning the egg white discharge was there and and night it was already gone. =) I'm new that this so this is the only 'normal' I know. I'm sure everyone can be different. -Summer

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What does a clear discharge from your vagina mean?

That is normal. All openings in your body that have an 'outside', produce a discharge. It is usually made of mucous. You probably have noticed that your nose and mouth are moist like this. If the openings were dry, it could cause problems.The discharge keeps things moist and also move things out. When you breathe in, the clear discharge traps pollen and dirt and they come out on their own and when you sneeze or blow your nose. The same is true of the vagina.

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Normal vaginal discharge should never be accompanied by itching or burning.

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Yes very normal. In fact its a pregnancy symptom.