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Q: You have pcos and you have been experiencing brown spotting blood on the tissue when you wipe sore breasts and crampy what is wrong with you?
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What could be wrong if you're 7 weeks and have had pink spotting on the tissue that is gone now but you're now experiencing lower back and stomach pain?

I would consult your doctor.

Difference between man breasts and she-male breasts?

Women tend to have tissue that builds up the breast, but men do also have tissue but have only 10% of tissue

Why are your breasts tender?

Because breasts are mostly made up of fat tissue.

When you gain weight do your breasts grow?

You Breasts won't grow, but you might grain weight around the tissue of your breasts, this causes your breasts to become over large. Breasts as made mostly of adipose[ fatty tissue ], so naturally overall weight gain will result in larger breasts.

What kind of tissue on breasts?

Mostly fatty tissue. Mammary glands are modified sweat glands.

Can you build muscle in your breasts?

There are no muscles in breasts, just fatty tissue and mammary ducts. Pectoral(chest) muscles lie under the breasts. Call me

What is in a girls breast when the girl is not pregnant?

Female breasts are composed of fat tissue and glandular tissue. Before pregnancy, the glandular portion is dormant and comprise a small percentage of the breasts' size. Therefore, non-pregnant girls' breasts are mainly composed of fat.

Is there any exercises to grow breasts?

No, there isnt. Because breasts are made of fat and tissue, exercise would just deminish them

What muscles are there in the breasts of females?

The breasts, themselves, do not contain muscles. As in males, the pectoralis major and minor underlie the breast tissue.

What are he breasts made of?

Skin, Adipose tissue (fat), connective tissue, capillaries and arteries, mammary glands and their ducts

Are womens breasts squeezable?

Yes they are made of fatty tissue which enables squeezing.

How are breasts supported?

by strands of connective tissue called the suspensory ligaments of the breast