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You broke up with him! Forget about him. Your probably just getting jealous because you've been with him and now he's flirting with your friend (lame guy move btw) he's just moving on.

you fight back and you have to study the person and you have to fight for your boyfriend back. that always work trust me

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Q: You just broke up with your boyfriend but your friends has started flirting with him and is claiming he is flirting back and you are getting jealous so what do you do?
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It depends on the ex boyfriend and the girl. Many young men dislike their girlfriend constantly flirting; being moody; not getting along with his group of friends; arguments constantly or cheating on him.

How does a teenage girl get a boyfriend?

by finding a guy she likes, flirting with him, dressing up for him, and getting him to like her so he asks her out :) or just ask a guy out herself :)

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Just act like your her friend and don't make any signs of flirting. It will make her boyfriend mad. Trust me! Just ask her if she wants to be friends and hang out like friends. BE friends. That's what I am doing with a Guy I like! And we use to be best friends. And then he changed. But now we are a close as 2 friends can be. He sits in front of me in every class period. And we always are getting in trouble together. But, My boyfriend says i shouldn't hang out with him. It will ruin my rep or something like that but i don't listen to him!!! HA ha ha

What should you do if your in love with your ex boyfriend but your not sure if he loves you back?

well if you are still good friends with him, if friends now at all, then i would just start getting close to them to then eventually ask them what they think of you, obviously because you broke up it wont be an amazing answer unless he still likes you, but give it some time and see how he reacts to you flirting/talking to him :)

Ok your friends all say you need to get a boyfriend you are in 6 grade but they dontt tell that to everyone so why should you get boyfriend?

Getting a boyfriend is always a personal choice. Don't feel pressured into getting one, wait for a suitable chap.

What do you do when you still want to be best friends with some one but cant cause her boyfriend is getting in the way of things?

well there is only one thing you can do which is tell her hey i still want to be best friends with you but you got to give some time for just to hangout catchup your boyfriend is getting in the way think about or we can just be friends

How can you regain your best friends trust after getting together with her ex boyfriend who she still has feelings for?

It's not gonna happen.

Is there a way you could break up with your boyfriend without him getting mad?

Yes. spread a rumor to his friends, and then move to Alaska or something

How do you take your friends boyfriend?

Well getting along takes two so you would have to set aside your differences for your friends sake. You dont necessarily have to be friends but your friend would probably appreciate it if you got along.

Is there a cheat for getting a boyfriend without doing all the romantic stuff on the Sims 3 for PC?

You can put in the 'testingcheatsenabled true' cheat and then drag the relationship bar up on the sim you want to be your boyfriend, and then when the relationship between them is on 100 you can ask them to go steady after flirting a couple of times. Hope this helped :)

What should i do if i like my friends boyfriend?

Its honestly not your fault for having feelings for her boyfriend, but I would, if I were you, try to stay away. IF AND ONLY IF you cannot help it..... well... tell your friend, and if she starts getting mean and stuff, then...

What do you do if your girlfriends pressure you to get a boyfriend?

Don't feel obligated to get a boyfriend just cause your friends tell you too. If you aren't ready for a realtionship then your not ready that's not ur fault ur just not ready. I had a few friends that pressured me to get a bf but I wasn't ready, I told them to stop and even though they didn't agree with it they stopped. You should talk to ur friends and tell them to stop pressuring you to get a boyfriend. If they are really your friends then they won't care if you have a bf or not and they will not pressure you into getting one.