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could be the onstart of your period your just late the pill most likely knocked you off track

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Q: You just came off the pill last month and you are 2 days late for your period for 3 days you have had this light cramping and sharp shooting pains in your overies but no blood what does this mean?
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You are at the end of your 6th of pregnancy and have a little bit of red bleeding is this normal?

My doctor has told me that a little blood is normal; a lot of blood (like the amount you have with your period) and/or severe cramping is not. If you have period blood and cramping, you should go to the hospital. Otherwise, you're probably okay, but you can ask your doctor about it to be sure.

What could be wrong if you are cramping but not bleeding?

It's not unheard of for period like cramping to occur as early as 7-14 days before your period. However the cramping may be caused by a UTI, approaching period or even Ovulation. If the cramping is severe enough to require pain killers & your period doesn't arrive on time, then see your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test & also have a urine test performed for a UTI.

Why do you get cramps at the end of your period?

Cramping is normal at any time during your period. The reason why you get cramps is because the uterus must contract to expel the blood. This occurs even at the end of your period.

How can you tell if you started your period if you thought you did but it was just the tiniest bit of blood?

If you are young, your periods could be irregular and light. Cramping usually accompanies a period, when you start, you will know it.

Why do women get their periods?

Hiya, When women gets their period, its a sign that you are able to have babies. -A period is caused by a Egg releasing in your body, as the egg from your overies gets released ready for you to have a baby, but since you dont have sex, the egg isn't being used and gets flushed away -which causes your period [Blood] -Hope this helped.

I have had cramping on my stomach and then I was bleeding So I thought that I got my first period but now on your pad there is brown not red Is it still blood?

yes its just spotting

What is Dark vaginal discharge and cramping?

I'm going to have to say infection an you really should go to a Dr.

What does it mean if you haved missed your period for a couple of months are bleeding heavily cramping pain and expelling blood clots?

It means you need to go see your Doctor. Seriously.

Why do females cramp when they are on they period?

The uterus is a muscle. During menses it contracts to expel menstrual blood. This is a mild from of the contraction it does to push out a baby. The contraction can press against a blood vessel and cut off the blood supply. This pinching off of the blood supply causes the cramping.

Could you have implantation bleeding 8 days before your regular period?

Yes! I did, and it was heavy like a period, lasted 5 days and I had cramping! Only difference was it was slightly pinkish, not blood red. By the way, I'm pregnant!!!!!

Pelvic cramping with one huge brown blood spot then it all stopped what is this?

Have you recently had sex? had your period? due for your period? is there an odor? It could be an infection although sometimes when I'm near the end of my period if will change to a light brownish color then I'm done.

Why do red blood cells prevent the muscles from cramping?

red blood cells are good