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music (and video) files are allready in a compressed format - when you attempt to compress (or even encrypt) them the music decoder will no longer be able to recognize them and either will give an error message telling you as such or will corrupt the file(s).

The next time you want to compress your hdd to save (just a tiny amount of) disc space, EXCLUDE ALL OF YOUR MEDIA FILES!!!

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Q: You just compressed your C drive to save disk space but now you cannot hear your audio - why?
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A file may be compressed in order to?

Files are compressed in order to save disk space on a hard drive.

What is the difference between LPCM audio stream and mpeg audio stream?

PCM is lossless and uncompressed thus taking more space, MPG is compressed thus having declined audio quality but takes less space.

Why the petrol cannot be compressed?

Liquids in general have very little space between molecules. Gases have lots of space, and therefore can be easily compressed, but liquids don't.

A sound format that takes up less space on a hard drive or other media than does raw digitized sound?

A variety of digital audio formats require less memory than "raw digitized sound," which is generally stored in .aif or .wav format. Compressed audio comes in two basic varieties: lossless and lossy. Lossless compressed audio formats are ones which store the data in such a way that the audio quality is not deminished. A lossless audio file will require more memory than a comparable lossy compressed file but less than a raw one. Popular examples include: flac, apple lossless Lossy compressed audio formats do deminish audio quality but reduce file greatly. Popular examples include: mp3, aac

Why liquids cannot be compressed?

We can't say that liquids cannot be compressed we can compress them but very little . To know why we have to understand the concept of intermolecular attraction and interparticle space . ¤Intermolecular Attraction - It is attraction force between molecules of different elements that bound the molecules together . *Interparticle Space - It is the space between the atoms , molecules and particles of different elements . The lipuids cannot be compressed much because io liquid intermolecular attration is quite high due to which interparticle space is less due to which it can't be compressed much .

Why can gases be compressed more than liquids and liquids more than solids?

Gases have the space between their molecules, and so can be compressed the most. Next is liquid which has more space between the molecules than a solid, but not as much space as in a gas. So, it an be compressed also, but not as much as can a gas. And finally, a solid does not have much space between molecules and thus cannot be compressed too much.

What are the reasons why users would want to use compressed files if they have a modem and access to the internet?

Compressed files can save considerable amounts of hard drive space.

How do you create free space on my d drive?

keep your files in compressed folders or try to remove unnecessary contents

Why can gasses be compressed but liquids cannot be?

Liquids CAN be compressed ... but not as much as gasses, nor as easily. The reason is that there is no "free space" between the molecules of a liquid (nor of a solid), but there is between the molecules of a gas.

How many minutes of 20-bit 48 kHz mono audio can fit in 5 GB of drive space?

about 500 minutes

Why longitudinal waves cannot travel in space?

Longitudinal waves are compressional waves which means they travel in one direction and do not radiate out. They are created by continuous intermittent compression and thus will have sparse spacing and then compressed and then sparse, compressed and so on. Such wave requires a medium such as solid liquid or air to travel thru. They cannot travel thru space.

Which object can be most compressed and why?

Gas can be compressed easily because of space between them is big so then when compressed,the space between them get smaller. Liquid can be compressed but you can only compress it slightly since the particles are already touching Solid can't be compressed since their locked into place.