

Best Answer

Start by showing interest in him. If he doesn't even know you're interested, he won't consider you as a possibility. so little subtle hints that you're interested would definitely help. You never know. He might like you back.

Second answer: I agree with the above, but remember that there is only so much you can do. No one can "make" someone else like him or her. That doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you; some things are just not meant to be. Eventually you will have to "be yourself", so be friendly, but don't do things that you feel uncomfortable or phony.

Be yourself always!

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Q: You really like this boy and your friend likes him to how do you get this boy to like you?
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You like a boy but his friend likes you what do i do?

it depends if the boy you like likes you back.

What do you do when your friend likes the guy that you like?

it really depends who he likes, plus if your a really good friend and he likes her you should understand, but if he likes you then if shes a real friend she should understand, trust me don't reuin your friendship over a boy especially if he doesn't like you, it's not worth.

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Well did your best friend force him? If you did you should really have a private talk with her and the boy you like then tell her that you like him? And maybe he might convince that he likes you too?

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i know how you feel the boy i really like i found out he likes my bff and every time i like any other boy he seem to like her you should say it to her if she is a true bff she will talk to one or two of them and tell him how great and cool you are. And if she wasn't a true friend, break friends or go to a boy she likes and go out with him. Or make her go out with a boy that she really hates.

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well you should find a boy friend that to you is kinda a friend and see if your friend is jealous

How do to make a boy like you?

You really can't make a boy like you quickly... try being his friend for awhile and get to know him, then try to see if he likes you

What do you do if you like a boy that likes your friend?

talk to your friend about it honey, if she likes him back off

You really like this boy in school and you don't know if he likes you?

If you are friends with this boy you should ask him youself or get a friend to. Even though it might seem arkward at first it will be better you tell him what if really likes you?

What do you do if a boy likes you and your friend but doesn't pay much attention to you?

Then, maybe your friend doesn't like the boy that likes you, or is jealous.

What do you do when you like a boy you think he likes you but you don't want to ask him?

really all you do is you go out with your friend and ask her or him to ask him do you like her

What do you do if you like this boy and he likes you back but your friend likes him too what do You do?

You should really try talking to your friend to work things out. Make sure this boy doesn't cause any problems between you and your friend. Talk it over and see what happens.

What do you do a boy likes you but you like his friend?

Be honest.