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depends on whether youre usually regular, but i'd go to the doctors to be on te safe side and use protection next time it's not worth the risk!

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Q: You received your period 10 days early and your flow isn't light its actually kind of hevy what could this mean and you had unprotected sex prior?
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What if your period is due in twelve days and you and your boyfriend had unprotected sex last night could you be pregnant?

YES. Doesn't matter when you have unprotected sex, short of doing it when you are actually on your period you can get pregnant.

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Anytime you have unprotected sex, you could get pregnant. The guy could use something to help prevent it, but they do leak and sometimes break. YES!

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Yes, you could be

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yes yes, you can get pregnant anytime you have unprotected sex

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How do you know if your releasing eggs if you have no period?

If you have no period it means you are not ovulating? If you have had unprotected sex you could be pregnant, go to your gp and talk to him

Could you be pregnant if your period last one day?

no you do not get a period if you are pregnant but that does not mean it is okay to have unprotected sex on your period sperm can live for 10 days

Can you be pregnant if you took the morning after pill a month ago and your period is late plus had unprotected sex during that time?

Yes, if you had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant.

What if you had unprotected sex and then got your period two days later Could you still be pregnant?


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you could be, get a test to be sure

Does having your period 1 week early mean your pregnant?

If you had unprotected sex 2-3 weeks prior, it could very well be implantation bleeding/spotting. 20-30% of woman experience this. SOME will actually confuse this accurance as their period.

If next period is due on November 18 and had unprotected sex on November 8 could you be pregnant?
