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i think that you are right on that one they should see what was created in the big bang theroy

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Q: You think that it should be looked at in more ways and see what was created in the big bang theory?
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i do not think this answer is correct i think it should be looked over again and re answered....

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Well I do now one theory about the universe. It's the big bang theory. The big bang theory is a theory about how the universe was created.Scientist think that a big explosion created the universe.Scientist found lots of evidence that the big bang theory was true.

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Christians are known for the hate of this theory. *Humans come from monkeys* does not equal *God created Adam and Eve* (People are welcome to improve my quick answer)

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yes because i looked at a map and tried to put the continents back together with my brain and they fit perfect and Albert Wagner had clues there was the same climates the same land formations and the same fossils that is why i think his theory is correct

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I think you mean the steady state theory. This is the idea that new matter is constantly being created as the universe expands. We now have evidence that the big bang theory is a far more likely one.

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it was first studied by man when he was just created, he looked up at the stars and wondered. Many people think the Mayans were.

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I think that the native Americans were not invited to sign it, because they were still looked down upon by the new '' Americans". So they didn't want them to sign it. This is just a theory though.