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It is not necessarily bad news. Your body is going through a lot of changes and the light cramping could just be bodily changes. A lot of women also report spotting during early pregnancy. Take it easy if you can, cross your fingers and wait. There is nothing else you can do. Hello. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Some pregnant women do spot during early pregnancy. This is usually caused by left over blood from their last period - hence the brown blood. If your spotting red blood then I would recommend you go to hospital straight away for a blood test. If the cramping becomes very severe or painful then go straight to hospital. I dont mean to worry you but red blood is fresh blood. Brown blood is old blood. Any bleeding during pregnancy needs to be investigated by a doctor to make sure the pregnancy is safe. Take care and good luck.

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Q: You took three home pg test and one at the doctor all positive you have been spotting couple drops for the last three days and had light cramping for the past day and a half is this bad?
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If there is heavy bleeding during the first trimester and a couple of days later it stopped but there was still brownish spotting with abdominal cramping is there a chance for a miscarriage?

Any bleeding during pregnancy needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Heavy bleeding is a sign of miscarriage, but you have to see a doctor to be sure and to be checked for your health, as well.

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It is pink or brownish in color also it can come and go for days some cramping can come with this but no heavy blood flow and no heavy cramping. Spotting on and off dureing the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is common. Your doctor is always the best one to answer any questions they know your medical history. Best of luck.

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Get to a doctor. Everything might be okay, but do you really want to take a chance?

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Spotting in the 1st month usually means nothing unless it is accompanied by cramping. I have had 4 successful pregnancies and have spotted light brown/pinkish with no complications with the babies. If the bleeding becomes heavy or cramping starts you should definitely see a doctor and express your concerns

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Spotting is OK But anything dark red and very blood can be cause for concern. If you are having a lot of blood and a lot of cramping you should probably go see your doctor asap!

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

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It's normal if you are having a period, but not for any other reason. If you aren't menstruating, or if you are but the cramping lasts more than a couple of days, you need to see a doctor.

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Spotting and Cramping are two of the most common early signs of pregnancy, also look out for tiredness, frequent head aches and the obvious one...morning sickness, i would say your next step is to see a pharmacist for a pregnancy test and then book in to your doctor/midwife (depending on the result ofcourse), Good Luck! :)

Is it normal to have slight cramping after testing positive yesterday for pregnancy?

I would call a doctor. Good luck to you and God Bless:)

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not a Dr., but sounds like it. Please see your OB right away.

Would you miscarry if you experience cramping and black spotting?

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