

You want to know about her parents?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: You want to know about her parents?
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Why do you want to know who my parents are?! Haha!

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if your parents dont know anything about you and if you want them to know you then let them know you and get to know more .

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Most kids already know their birth parents, so the question of whether they want to know them never comes up.

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the parents want to reinforce it to show you that is important

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Just tell them

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yes!!!!! They are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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She doesn't want their parents to know he's in town.

Why rizal didn't want his parents to know why he was leaving?

Rizal didn't want his parents to know that he will leave simply because he don't want them to be worried of him. And if they know that he will leave they will not permit him because they how how dangerous it is to live alone and away without someone regularly supporting of him financially.

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I don't know why you want to know, but it's Ray and Faye.

Is it wrong to want to be pregnant but you know your parents will kill you?

yes... obvioulsy

How do you get slim without your parents knowing?

I don't know why you wouldn't want your parents to know, but I guess only eat as you usually would around your parents. And when they are not, eat less and do exercises at night or when they are not there

How will you know if you were really a child of your parents?

If you really, really want to know there's always DNA-testing.