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the calorie intake depends on a person's height, weight, muscle mass and the amount of daily exercise that they get on a regular basis.

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Q: You want to loose a lot of weight how many calories should you take in?
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How many calories are required to burn to loose 1kg of weight per week?

Depends how many calories you consume

How many calories a day does a 265 pound man have to comsume to loose 45 pounds?

You should consume seven calories per pound to lose weight, so 1655 calories per day.

How many calories should a 15 year old girl eat a day?

it depends on her weight but im saying around 1500 if she wants to loose weight about a thousand but if she excersises 3 to 5 timez a week then she should be taking in 2000 calories

How Many Calories A Day Should A 6ft 1 265 lb 22 yr old eat keep his weight Also How Many Should He Eat To Keep That Weight And Not Gain And How mNay To Loose That Weight?

he should eat 2,000-2500 a day, but if he wants to lose weight then....1,700 calories. and excersice 3 times a day. wanna maintain that weight? eat 2,000-2500 calories a day and excersice 4 times a day

How many calories do you loose in 20 minutes of judo?

Approximately 241 calories. However, it also depends on your weight and how long you do it for.

Why is it important to follow a wight loss meal plan when losing weight?

How many calories you consume per day is very important when you are trying to loose weight. If you follow a weight loss meal plan it will help you keep track of how many calories a day you are consuming and make it much easier and faster to loose weight.

Can you eat 500 calories per day and lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks?

you would die if you ate that many calories. to lose weigh find out how many calories you should be eating for your current weight and then find out how many calories you should be eating for your target weight. slowly inch your calories down to that target weight range. and really you should ask your doctor about weight loss. to see if you even need it.

How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'1 and weight 150 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'1 and weight 150 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

How many calories should you burn to lose weight?

It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound

How many more calories should you burn than eat to lose weight?

3,500 calories.

I am 5'2 and weigh 198 pounds how many calories should i consume a day to loose 60 pounds?

I am 5'2 and wiegh 198 lbs how many calories should i consume a day to loose 60 lbs?Read more: I_am_5'2_and_wiegh_198_lbs_how_many_calories_should_i_consume_a_day_to_loose_60_lbs

How many calories should I eat per day if I am 5'8 and weight 128 and am trying to lose weight?

it isn't how many calories you need to loose it is how many do you need to eat and how much exersizing should you do!! i have done lots of things to loose weight and honestly the thing that i keep going back to is weight watchers it is easy and once you have learned the way to do it you do not need to go to meetings forever... learn th systema and it is awesome... i lost 17 pounds in 6 weeks first time ad 15 pounds in 8 weeks the second time!!!