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Pregnancy tests rely on levels of HCG in your system. Levels approximately double each day you are pregnant. Some women dont have a high enough level in their system to show positive on a preg test until their period is weeks late. It is recommended that you take a preg test first thing in the morning so that your urine is strong. When you took the test, your urine may've been too diluted. It is possible that you WERE pregnant. If your body doesn't produce enough HCG, the pregnancy will not continue and you will miscarry - although it will just seem like a heavy late period because it is such an early miscarriage. You will probably never know for sure.

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Q: You were two weeks late and then heavy painful bleeding came you took a pregnancy test a couple of days before and it was negative?
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Can you having a menstrual period through your pregnancy throw a home pregnancy test to be negative?

Hard telling really. I took 2 hpts before I started bleeding and they were positive. Then when I was bleeding I took 2 more and they were negative. Haven't gone to the doctor yet. So I'm not real sure if the blood interferes with the results or not. For a sure pregnancy test you should go to your doctor. .

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I wouldn't think so.If your bleeding and the test shows negative then you shouldn't be pregnant,but sometimes the test doesnt show up until your second month of pregnancy and you can still bleed a little.or if your upset about something sometimes it will tricks on your body

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It is a general medical term for bleeding from the vagina any time during a pregnancy before the delivery begins.

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This is a fairly common occurrence, with about 10% of all women experiencing some type of light bleeding during pregnancy. So it is not bad at all.

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Even if a pregnancy test showed up negative, cramps and acne that randomly occur with a missed period could signal pregnancy. Wait a few days and then test again.

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When do you take a pregnancy test while on birth control?

You can use a pregnancy test at anytime while on the pill (it will not effect the test), if you normally have bleeding while taking the sugar pills, wait to see if the bleeding is late or the day before you start your new packet to test for pregnancy.

Can spotting before your period be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.

What causes decidual bleeding during pregnancy?

Decidual BleedingOne of the most common causes of period-like bleeding during pregnancy is called decidual bleeding. Sometimes, during pregnancy, your body's hormones can get out of whack, causing you to lose parts of the lining of your uterus. This is especially common in the early stages of pregnancy, before the lining has completely attached to the placenta. While it can be troublesome to think about shedding part if your uterine lining, decidual bleeding is generally not thought to be a health threat to you or your baby. There are a number of other reasons why bleeding during pregnancy may occur. Most of them present little health risk to you and your little one. However, bleeding can sometimes indicate a complication with your pregnancy. If you are pregnant, it is important to be aware of your bleeding. If you experience any abnormal bleeding at any point during your pregnancy, contact your health care provider immediately.

You had bleeding for 1 day a negative pregnancy test but a fetal sac seen on a transvaginal scan have you lost your baby?

It could just be to early in your pregnancy to detect it on a test . I had 3 negative pregnancy tests even a blood test at the DR and I was indeed pregnant....about five weeks. And 8 months later delivered a healthy baby girl. However I did have a miscarriage about two months before I concieved her. I was bleeding for about to weeks straight and passing big blood clots. I went to the Dr and there was a gestational sac, but no embryo in it. they did a blood test and checked my HCG(pregnancy hormone) levels once a week and they got lower and lower, indicating the pregnancy was terminating. However dont panic just because you are bleeding it can be a normal sign of pregnancy as long as its not accompianed by cramping. I bled a little when I was pregnant with my second child and I carried him to term and he is happy and healthy!