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No your dog is goiing to die

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Q: Your 3 month old staff breathes very fast when asleep should you be worried?
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If you and your girl have unprotected sex a lot but she still gets her normal period every month Except this month its a few days early Should we be worried about her being pregnant?

It is doubtful However if you often have unprotected sex you should be worried because it only a matter of time before she is pregnant.

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Yes, and you should also be worried about your giant vagina.

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ask him wats going on and if you catch him cheatin, just dump him.

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to start with you should stop being worried by this.

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No, some children cut their first tooth later than others.

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primary insomnia, which is defined as difficulty in falling asleep or remaining asleep that lasts for at least one month.

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Plug in the vibrator and relax.

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What if your period has been delayed over a month?

Go to your doctor and tell them that you're worried that you havent had your period yet and it's been a month.

If after one year of not taking the pill should you be worried if you have not fallen pregnant yet?

If you have been having regular sex at the corerect time of the month, don't worry but you both need to get checked out.

What does it mean if you start your period 2 weeks before you are supposed to while on birth control?

Some birth control pills can affect/alter your cycle, when I first started mine I had a light period for a month, then it stopped, if you are worried though, you should see your doctor. Better get it checked out if you are worried.

If you've been dating a girl for a month and haven't kissed her will she start losing interest and thinking you don't care because you haven't showed it?

well I'd say if it worried about it, you should kiss her.