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This is probably inflammatory exudate, which may be due to a bacterial infection, a yeast infection or an ear mite infestation. Your veterinarian can do a simple ear swab test to see what type of infection or infestation your dog may have. Based upon that, your veterinarian will give you the medications and instructions to get the infection cleared up.

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Q: Your Basset Hound has brown stuff in his ears?
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What is the difference between a beagle and a basset hound?

No, the basset hound is the smallest hound in the hound family. The basset hound has short stubby legs, long droopy ears, sad looking droopy eyes. The Basset hound may look sad often but it is just the dogs look, he could be very happy at the moment, his tail will wag if he is. The hounds in the hound family are the basset hound, the beagle, the blood hound

A little brown dog with a long body short legs and droopy ears?

A little brown dog with a long body, short legs, and droopy ears is a basset hound.

What kind of hound with drooping ears?

basset and blood hounds both have drooping ears

How do you get rid of the smell of a Basset Hound?

Well yes, I happen to have a basset hound named Dottie. Her ears, head, and feet are the most smelliest. So, I would say clean the basset hound's ears? Or her head and feet?(btw clean the ears with alcohol or like those ear cleaning liquid.) Hope this helps! :)

What part of a Basset Hound is pirticularly long?

Their ears and back are elongated.

What kinds of dogs have long ears?

A basset hound, poodle (if you let the hair grow).

Characteristic of the basset hound?

The Basset Hound is a very distinct breed. They have long, pendulous ears, an elongated back, excessive wrinkle and shortened legs. They also have a very droopy muzzle.

Is it possible for a 100 percent Basset Hound to have mid length ears?

yes, it could be mutated

Which breeds of dog have pendant ears?

they are the spaniels (cocker spaniel, springer spaniel etc.) and the basset hound

What is the name and breed of the dog has the longest ears and what advert does his famous granddad appear in?

Basset Hound.. Hush puppy shoes ad

Should you get basset hound or a beagle?

Well basset hounds are good with kids, their ears and feet need to be frequently cleaned, they are very quiet, trips people a lot(since they're so short) and they weigh only up to about 30 pounds. While beagles are usually loud, taller than a basset hound, energetic( sometimes good sometimes bad), and have a good sense of smell. If you like huge ears, a kid friendly, and a quiet dog, you should get a basset If you like floppy ears, tallness, and a energetic dog, you should choose the beagle Hope this helped! :)

What would a calm dog breed be?

basset hound a little dog tends to be liver and white with long droopy ears very cute and calm/lazy :)