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Absolutely ! If you are at ALL worried about your reptiles health - seek veterinary advice as soon as possible ! Even if it transpires there's nothing wrong, it's always 'better to be safe than sorry '!

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Q: Your bearded dragon is keeping his mouth open he never did this should you take him to vet?
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How do you know your bearded dragon got mouth rot?

his breath stinks

How does a bearded dragon breathe?

They breathe through their nose and sometimes their mouth.

Why would a bearded dragon put his head in water and open mouth?

Perhaps he was getting a drink.

Why is your adult bearded dragon foaming at the mouth?

That is NOT 'normal' behaviour - seek professional advice from a vet NOW !

What produces mouth rot?

if you are talking about mouth rot like on a bearded dragon or any type, you should get a bigger tank for them especially if you have a small tank and its a big dragon. Mouth rot is produced by the dragons nose rubbing up and down on the glass, there for you should take this seriously by either using medicine that a vet gave you or buying certain creams from a pet store... I really hoped you were talking about a dragon lol and not a human haha that would be way different probably, sorry if this was not the answer you were not looking for.

Where did the bearded dragon get its name?

They have small hairs on their chin (flot). Even though people say dragons are mystical, the Bible talks a lot about mystical creatures in revelation. Just thought I should say that>>>

Can bearded dragons eat baby mice?

NO, only a FULL GROWN dragon can eat pinky mice. That is IF they will even do it then. Look at the pinky and look at the size of the baby dragon's mouth... do you really think it would fit?

What sound does a bearded dragon make?

Yes. Bearded dragons will hiss, open their mouth, puff up their 'beard', and may lunge. This means "stay back, I'm scared of you, and I will bite to defend myself!" If your bearded dragon is making hissing sounds with its mouth closed and appears calm, take it to a veterinarian immediately--audible breathing in reptiles is indicative of a respiratory infection, which can be fatal.

Your bearded dragon wont eat vegys what should you do?

Try feeding the greens to it in the morning and then feed the crickets at night.

Will writing on a bearded dragon with a sharpie marker hurt it?

Yes!!!! If you want to color on it (not near eyes, mouth, etc.) then find non toxic washable markers, that's the best. However, do this only if you have to because even though this won't hurt it it will annoy it and stress it out so try not to do this too often.

What Is keeping your fingers in your mouth a sign of?

humm ; i can say why is keeping your fingers in your mouth / maybe he is sad or he cannot say stop .

What does it mean when a bearded drangons mouth gets bloaded?

When a bearded dragons beard puffs up that means that there protecting them selves and also there sides expand when they feel threatend.