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First find out why he acted that way. Is being mean part of his nature? You are lucky to have seen both sides of him early on in your relationship good and mean do you still want to be friends with him. How can you sure he will not act that way again.

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Q: Your best friend told you that this guy likes you he started to act nice but then he turnd mean and called you names then he tryed to appoligize but you think it to big to let go so should you forgive?
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hmm. you just forgive and forget.

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How do you deal with a friend who won't forgive?

If it is you that your friend cannot forgive, then give your friend space. Let a lot of time pass (weeks, or even months). If your friend still cannot forgive you then you need to face that and give up the friendship. Just deal with it; life will go on and maybe years from now you can re-connect. If you have a friend who cannot forgive someone else, just continue being friends and let your friend talk about it if necessary. You cannot make a person forgive someone. It happens over time, or it doesn't happen. You have to roll with it.

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If you really want your friend to forgive you then do it face to face or do something nice to show that you are truly sorry and not just sorry when and where it is convenient for you.

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Yes you should but that doesn't mean that you have to put up with it. If they call you names intentionally all the time they aren't your friend.

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What do you do if you embarrass your friend?

Just say politely and respectfully that your're sorry. If he/she is your true friend, then they will forgive you.

How do it get your boy friend to forgive you of a huge mistake?

You can't force another person to forgive you. The best you can do is sincerely apologize and hope.

What do you do if you are pretty sure that you have been big time financially conned by a friend?

Forgive him if he is a friend, or doo something about it if he is not.

Should you forgive a bad friend?

It depends on what they did. If you feel you want to then maybe they should. If you forgive them and want to give them another chance then you should.

If you were moving to the other side of the country and your best guy friend called you a lot of names should you forgive him even if he doesnt say sorry?

* Yes, you should forgive your friend because they are angry that you are moving to the other side of the country and they are fearful that you will lose touch with each other. Your friend is sad you are leaving and is taking his actions out by calling you names. If you have time go somewhere quiet where you can talk to your friend and give the reasons why you have to move and that you will keep in touch and quite possibly they can come visit you. Your friend will soon forgive you for moving. One should never lose touch with a good best friend because they are very scarce in an individual's life.