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The answer is, it depends upon what is causing the infection. An infected cut in the mouth is typically caused by secondary bacterial invasion of the cut, and some of these oral bacteria can jump from cats to dogs.

However, it would require enough bacteria be transferred to the dog to both colonize and overwhelm the dog's immune system, so the practical risk is very low.

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14y ago

Yes a cat can get an infection from a dog bite, be sure to clean the wounds properly or take the animal to a vet. Dirty wounds can lead to infections on any animals, regardless of what caused the injury.

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Q: Your cat has a cut on it's mouth can an infection be passed to your dog?
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omg! you cut your cat balls? poor creature well obiusly what you have to do is get him to the doctor poor animal I can't beleve that u cut ur cat's balls! what were u doing whit a knife near his balls! My best wish to your cat