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It sounds like roundworms. Go get your cat to the vet as soon as possible. The sooner your cat gets rid of them, the safer it will be.

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Q: Your cat has very small rice like worms that are moving and his bedding has what looks like a small seed?
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What kind of worm looks like moving grains of white rice coming out of your butt?

Well, its called night white. Those are tape worms

What does a maggot looks like?

Maggots are the larval stage incarnation of flies. They generally resemble small whitish worms or caterpillars.

What do baby slow worms eat?

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Can you use guinea pig spoiled bedding and feces with urine in your compost pile?

The poo can be, but not the bedding, the bedding is better off being taken to the tip, or put in your dustbin/trashcan.

Worms looks like a leech?

Leeches are considered worms, but not all worms appear segmented like leeches do.

How to get rid of worms?

Pin worms are a kind of parasite. To get rid of them, you should be sure to always wear clean clothes and to clean bedding often.

How much newspaper and compost do you put in a worm farm?

If you have a small worm farm made out of crates, then you can put a thick wet newspaper at the bottom of the worms' bedding box. The worms will eventually eat this. You can use torn strips of wet newspaper (squeeze most of the water out) as part of their bedding, if you can't find well rotted compost or manure. You can use wet newspaper as food, or as a cover over the top of the food to keep out the light. When the worms start eating the newspaper cover, you know they want some more food.

What is the past tense of she looks under the leaves for worms?

she looked under the leaves for worms :P

Can your toad eat super worms?

no they can not they eat small insects and small mammals like bats not worms.

You arepassionate flower growercan somebody tell you Avery simple and practical method of making your own wormicompost at your home on a very small scalewith very limited resources also let you know?

No matter where in the world vermicomposting, that is composting with worms, is practiced, the worms need to be damp, dark and well fed. Keep your bin in the shade and the worms will flourish. A great way to start is with a storage bin. A plastic or styrofoam container with lid about 18 to 20 gals. You will also need window screening, duct tape, newspaper, shredded paper, or paperboard (cereal boxes), water, a small amount of sand or soil, a drill with 1 inch spade bit and about ½ to 1 pound of worms. Choose worms that are adapted to composting. Red wigglers or African Nightcrawlers are excellent composters and thrive in a worm bin environment. Local worm farms or bait stores can usually provide these types of worms; They can also be ordered from the Internet. Worm Bin Construction: # Drill 4 holes (2 holes per side) about 4 inches from the top of the bin. # Cut small pieces of screen large enough to cover the holes and tape them to the inside of the bin using duct tape. # Make a bedding by shredding paper lenghtwise into 1 inch strips to fill the bin 1/3 full. # Spread sand or soil over the bedding. # Pour the water over the newspaper strips; stirring the bedding as you moisten it. # Dump worms out of containers onto surface of bedding. After 2 hours, remove any (dead) worms that have not wiggled down into bedding. The worms are then feed with plant debris and kitchen scraps, a little at a time. The worm casings or compost must be removed carefully for use and the population of the worms managed, they reproduce and can quickly over-populate the bin.

What are the small bristles earth worms have?

The small bristles on earthworms are called setae. The setae are small spines which are projected from the body wall by muscles to act as anchors in the surface that the worm is moving along. The muscle can also retract the setae when it is not required.

Can worms eat colored newspaper?

No, it is not advised to feed worms colored newspaper due to the chemicals and dyes used in the ink, which can be harmful to the worms and affect the quality of the vermicompost. Stick to plain, unprinted paper for worm bedding and feed.