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The dog likely has separation anxiety. Get him a Kong toy and fill it with peanut butter or other soft food and stuff kibbles inside. Save this special treat ONLY for when you leave, so he can associate you leaving with getting a special treat. Trying to get the food out of the Kong will take him hours and this keeps him busy while you're gone.

It's also possible he's being rated too long if you are gone for many hours. If this is true, try to get a family member/friend or neighbor to comeandletthe dog out for a bit each day.

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Q: Your dog destroys his crate when you leave trying to get out?
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Can you crate train an adult dog?

yes, if you introduce the dog to the crate properly. don't just shove it in there and leave it alone.

During the crate training process where are you supposed to put your dog when you leave while you are still trying to get him comfortable in his crate?

Crate training is the easiest way to housetrain dogs, and it also teaches them how to settle down and entertain themselves when you're gone. However, crates won't work if they're used to punish a dog or keep him "out of sight, out of mind." Use the crate only when necessary, give your dog plenty of breaks to stretch his legs and to play and bond with you, and make crate time more pleasant by stocking it with toys.more information:

My griffon dog is crate trained is it ok to leave him alone out of the crate now that he is older?

It is definitely OK to leave him outside the crate if you trust him not to destroy your house. Many dogs get bored when they are home alone and start chewing on furniture. We let my dog roam the house when we were not there when she was about 2 years old.

At home with cratetrained 5 mos dog - over last week when out dog destroys inside of crate including sending bottom tray out of crate - today tore up carpet under crate HELP?

They sell plastic crates that are entirely enclosed in solid plastic except for some windows at the top. These crates would prevent your dog from being able to get to the carpet under the crate. If you do not want to go out and buy a new crate, put some chew toys, such as raw-hides, and other toys in the crate to keep your dog entertained. Your dog is destroying things because he is probably bored.

How long can you leave a dog in a crate for is 8-10 hours ok?

Are you frucking reetarded ? NO. You should be shot.

Your Dog Was in a strange Place and ran away will she come back?

she might come back if you get lucky. go to the place you lost her and call her. leave old toys and treats in an old favorite crate of you dog. if you see go in to the crate slowly approach her and close the crate door while she is in. leave her in the crate until you get home. let her out IN the house and make sure the doors are tightly shut. say hello and play with her

What is the difference between a dog crate and kennel?

A dog crate as I understand it is for transportation and the the kennel is for housing/protection

Is there a problem if a 15 week puppy constantly pees in her crate?

maybe you should try to let your dog outside more and if that doesent work i suggest taking the dog to a veterinarian to see if there is a uranarie track infection or other problem, or maybe the dog doesnt like the crate or its trying to mark its territorie.

If you make going to the crate a punishment what happens?

making the crate a punishment may confuse the dog because the crate is supposed to be a secure place for the dog a place a dog can go to sleep or just be alone.

Should you cover a crate when dog is in it?

Usually, it is not necessary to cover the crate. It depends on the situation. If the dog is not expected to sleep, leave the cover off so that he can see whats going on around the crate, like if it is a puppy being crate trained. If the dog is expected to sleep, but his surroundings are distracting, a cover may be useful to block out disturbances. If the rest of the household is calm (for example, at night), a cover is not usually necessary, but if the dog is being noisy and refuses to be quiet, a cover may be useful to calm him/her down. However, it would be best to use this as only a temporary solution. Ideally, the dog should be taught that noisiness in the crate is not an acceptable behaviour.

What is the minimum value for a folding dog crate?

The minimum value of for a new folding dog crate is 15 dollars. The minimum value for a used folding dog crate is only 99 cents if won by a bid on eBay.

How do you cage train a dog?

Crate training is very important. It not only aids tremendously in housetraining but it also provides a safe place for your dog or puppy. Try giving your dog a very special treat, one that they only receive while in their crate. For example, a Kong filled with peanut butter or cottage cheese and rice. well i always learned to make the crate a positive thing one example would be he gets fed in his crate. i found this article that helped me.