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well honey just move on it means she a hater

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Q: Your ex boyfriend and you broke up but you still text but he has a best friend that is girl and when they are around you they flirt a lot and you can tell that the girl is trying to make jealous?
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What does it mean when I feel your best friends is messing around with your boyfriend?

Your friend is just trying to make you jealous just ignore them.

How do you tell if your boyfriend is trying to get you jealous by flirting with your best friend?

you know if he keeps doing just to get your attention, and if you get mad and upset then it means your jealous

Is your ex boyfriend trying to make you jealous with his ex girl friend?

He might be trying to make you jealous, but he may also just want his ex- girlfriend back. In this case, usually your ex- boyfriend can try to make you jealous which can mean he wants you back and by making you jealous you will come back to him, or it can also mean he is trying to show you how much you need him, but you can't have him. The real answer is, no body can know other the the ex- boyfriend himself.

What does it mean when a girl randomly hugs you then says what if your are cute and she is going out with someone?

she either likes you or she is trying to get her boyfriend jealous, depending on how she acts around you when her boyfriend is present

What are you supposed to do when a friend is jealous and shes trying to break you and your boyfriend up?

If your fiend is doing this then she's not your friend. You need to ask her what is wrong. If she likes the guy you're dating then you need to think "Is she going to get over him or will she stay like this?" You need to tell your friend that she means a lot to you but that your boyfriend does too. If she refuses to back off then you need to stop being her friend.

How do you know if my boyfriend's gay friend wants to ruin our relationship?

If you see your boyfriend's gay freind looking at you in a jealous way or talks all sexy and stuff with your boyfriend in front of you or if you have a date with your boyfriend and he tries to do any trap like when your opining a door and piant falls on you, he's trying to destroy your relationship between you and your boyfriend.

You have feelings for your friend but she has a boyfriend what do you do?

Okay so.... she has a boyfriend but she often gives me mixed signals like standing closer than she used to. That's not the problem, she says she only likes me as a friend but with the mixed signals and the fact that at the dance she kept trying to make me jealous by kissing her boyfriend only when she say me looking over there or when I had a clear view without actually looking at her. The big problem is if she was jealous of the fact that I took another girl with me because the atmosphere of the dance felt like we were trying to make each other jealous despite that not being my intention. I care for her deeply and I want her to be happy with or without me. But my heart hurts when I see her with her boyfriend. Posted by the poster of the question, Darkored

Does your guy friend like you if he kisses another girl and then asks you did you have a problem with it?

He either is trying to make you jealous or he doesn't want you to be jealous

How can you tell your boyfriend is trying to make you jealous?

you can tell when he is all over other girls right in your face

What to do when your boyfriend is cheating on you with your best friend?

I know what it feels like all you got to do is move on and just ignkre.if that friend is dqting your boyfriend she was never a good friend .she wuz just trying to get closer to your boyfriend.

What does dreaming of a girl being all over your Boyfriend mean?

it means that your unsure of your relationship with the guy, and that you really like your boyfriend. You get easily jealous if there would be a girl trying to steal your boyfriend.

If a guy is 15 and immature and not a player why does he flirt with you and stare at you and then he just talks to your friend n follows her around and when hes with her he looks in your direction?

He's trying to make you jealous.