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You can talk to his wife and have her tell him to stop. Maybe he'll listen to her. You could go to him face to face in front of people he knows and SHOUT at him, "LEAVE...ME...ALONE. JUST STOP IS ALREADY. We're done. Aren't you satisfied?" Make him embaressed. Be strong.

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Q: Your ex is mentally and verbally abusing you even though he has a new family what can you do?
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You made mistakes in your relationship that made your spouse hate you Why does he enjoy verbally abusing you?

if he verbally abuses you then he isn't the right one for you anyways and everybody makes mistakes, he is probably verbally abusing you because he is mad that your relationship isn't or didnt work out and wants to get back at you for making mistakes even though every body does ( i am in a similar position) When your spouse verbally abuses you, is probably because he is insecure with himself. Everyone makes mistakes, so don't worry about the mistakes you made. That is all in the past !!! He he really, truly loves you, he would forgive you for the mistakes you made. I suggest that you two should take some time off and just see what happens. Remember, time heals everything. Besides, you should not be with someone that treats you like the dirt on his shoe !! You deserve better !! Move on !!! Hope this helps. Good luck !!!

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