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In Naegel's rule if you are 6 months your fundal height is about 30 cm. You are just within range.

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Q: Your fundal height is 29 cm but im only 27 weeks pregnant is that normal my doctor seems to think im further gone so do i but the hospital say im not?
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You are 27 weeks pregnant why does your fundal height measure 34cm?

Your fundal height is like the fundal height of 7 months old pregnant.You baby is large for a 27 week. Have your sugar test for gestational diabetes, control intake of sweets and calories.Go to your obstetrician.

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Where does a doctor press on your stomach to tell if your pregnant?

The Dr is probably checking what is called your fundal height. Fundal height is determined by the size of the uterus to determine fetal growth and development. The Dr could also be checking the position of the baby if you are getting close to delivery.

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Fundal hydrometra is watery fluid at the top of the uterus.

How you can count how many week you have when you are pregnant?

You can estimate by measuring fundal height and using Naegel's rule or have an ultrasound to detect age of pregnancy.

What is a fundal fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

What is antral and fundal gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. There are different types such as antral and fundal giving the location of the condition. It is important to have a physician evaluate this.

32 weeks pregnant and my fundal height is 36cm will I go into premature labor?

Possibly, or it could mean you have a larger than average baby, or too much amnionic fluid, or your due date is incorrect.

What does fundal mean?

Fundal push is the third power to use if to deliver a baby but be very cautious because this can bring stress to the baby and the baby will pass meconium because of this which is dangerous when aspirated inside.

What is FH in pregnancy report?

Fundal Height. Basically the height of the bump.

Leopold's maneUver 1?

the first Leopold's maneuver is FUNDAL GRIP