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Cloudy Water is a sign of overfeeding. You should only feed goldfish the amount they can eat in about 3 minutes once per day. "A hungry fish is a happy fish". The reason it smells like ammonia is most likely because your tank is too small or you are using tap water to fill your tank. Tap water kills beneficial bacteria that breaks down your fish's waste under the gravel. If you use tap water then you should put water conditioner in it before it goes into your fish tank. To clear up your water I would do a full water change, wash the gravel and everything out, change the filter and fill it with dechlorinated water. Do not use soap to wash out your tank. After that do 20% water changes every 1-2 weeks. If you have more than 2-3 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank or less than you need a bigger tank. Goldfish are very dirty fish. So you should feed the fish less, clean out there tank, change the filter or buy a completely new filter, and buy a bigger tank if needed.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Many types of decholinator produce a rather unpleasent smell. Also goldfish are heavey ammonia producers and the smell could be eminating from that. If not done recently do a partial water change.

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14y ago

Cloudy water is quite common in newly set up aquariums. This is caused when opportunistic bacteria take advantage of the sudden availability of ammonia and nutrients in the water. To get rid of the cloudiness, just do some large 50-75% water changes until the bacteria recede.

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14y ago

First thing is CHANGE the WATER. ASAP!! Then follow the basic rules of fishkeeping that follow. :-1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water changed every week. If you keep to the above rules, and feed the fish good food it/they will stand a chance of living a normal lifespan. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will have a very short lifespan.

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12y ago

Goldfish are junky fish, by that I mean they eat, swim, and poo. They are quite dirty too. All of the waste will eventually make your water stink, try change a portion of the water weekly or a bigger portion monthly

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13y ago

You are feeding your fish too much and you need a better filter. Try feeding your fish once a day for 3 minutes and buying an "Aquaclear Powerfilter".

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Q: Your goldfish tank has got a strong smell of ammonia?
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Can goldfish die from cleaning the tank to much?

Leaving a dead goldfish in your tank will boost ammonia levels.. You dont want ammonia in your tank. It rapidly kills fish

What kind of goldfish should you get for your fantail goldfish?

Fantail goldfish are a hardy breed, strong swimmers and they compete well for food with the ryukin, shubunkin, comet or common goldfish; making these goldfish breeds good tank mates for your fantail goldfish.

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Under normal circumstances, it is best not to mix goldfish with other fish. They excrete higher amounts of ammonia, and it is harsh on the other fish in the tank.

Can goldfish move large items around their tank using their mouth?

No,they are to small and not strong enough.

How do you acclimatise your goldfish?

If you want to acclimate your goldfish into a new tank, do it slowly so the goldfish don't get stressed.set up your goldfish tank or pond in advance.Let the water cycle and establish beneficial bacteria that will help regulate the nitrogen cycle and help deal with the ammonia produced by a goldfish.Add a dechlorinator that will eliminate chlorine and chloramine.If you fill your tank with tap water, it will have one or both of these in the water. Don't bother buying fancy dechlorinators, just buy one that eliminates both.Float the bag filled with air and the goldfish into your aquarium water.Let the bag float for 30min until the water temperature inside the bag matches the water in the aquarium. Goldfish can die if there are rapid changes in water temperatures.Open the bag, let the water mix and slowly let the goldfish swim into its new home.Depending on the size of your tank, don't add more than a few goldfish at a time or your tanks ammonia levels might spike and kill all the goldfish in your tank. A cycled tank will help keep this from happening.

Does a 10 gallon Tank need a filter?

Yes, even if you have Common Goldfish because its gonna smell super bad...

What does meaning ammonia?

well, ammonia can be 2 things. the first one is a bad thing for your hair. second is the smelly aroma in your fish-tank that may kill your fish.

Can goldfish smell?

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How does a turtle tank look with salmonela?

-It looks like a regular tank, if your worried about the smell its most likely the ammonia. You tank will most likely contract ammonia if the tank is too small or doesn't have enough water. -Turtles naturally have salmonella with in them, so always be sure to wash your hands before and after touching your turtle and its equipment

What should you put in your goldfish tank?

It is important to remember to put things in a goldfish tank, even goldfish get bored. Some of my suggestions for tank decor are artificial plants and a "hidey hole" for your goldfish.