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Hey my friend had the same problem with his allergy condition. He tried many conventional treatments for his symptoms but they only provided temporary relief and when he stopped using the medications he often got worse. He currently is trying a homeopathic remedy from sinuswars which he says he is happy with. Maybe it can help you.

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Q: Your nouse is feels like is stuffed you have difficutly breathing and you cant taste nor smell your doctor says its allergies but the medication prescribed has not worked and you dont know what to do?
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No. Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs, not the throat. Only medication can help with asthma. Go to your doctor and he/she should prescribe medications for your asthma both for preventing it and for whenever your asthma flares up, such as a quick relief inhaler and a breathing machine for use with prescribed medication(s). Never take more than the prescribed dose on any medication. If your asthma symptoms persist or get worse, go to the emergency room or call 911 immediately.

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if your talking about cats what you could have is allergies towards cats or have asma etc. if your talking about cats what you could have is allergies towards cats or have asma etc.

What does asthma?

Asthma is a breathing disorder, in which when your Allergies act up, your throat gets swollen and makes it harder to breathe. this is also refereed to as an "asthma attack", or a sudden break of asthma from allergies.

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Yes, most common side affect of allergies are congestion and difficulty breathing. Both of which will cause decreased O2 levels and increased CO2 levels.