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Ok, this one has a lot of variables. I'll try and answer. If you're sexually active and you have had sex - even with birth control - you should wait 3 weeks after the act and take 2 home pregnancy tests (two different companies. Chances of one being wrong are there, chances of two from different companies being wrong are almost nil.) If you didn't use a condom (or if you did but you notice some differences, like itching or different smell or texture to your discharge) you should also go get tested for all the major STD's. Gross but if you ignore it it can mess you up permanently; and most of them are really easy to treat. If you're not sexually active, I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe you were stressed, or you changed your diet, or got sick or excercised too much - loads of things can cause your period to be light. It happens. If you have any concerns like this it's a good idea to talk to a school nurse or family doctor. There are occasional conditions that can cause problems with having kids later in life, but if you're under 20 and not in pain or bleeding excessively you're probably fine - and you're going to have significant variation in your period. It sometimes takes a while (years) for your hormones to settle down after they kick in. If you're sexually active it's a VERY good idea to talk to a doctor or find some way to learn about Birth Control and safe sex. There are some good websites out there too, as a starting point - just type in "safe sex" at a search engine and you'll get plenty of info. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Everybody learns about it sometime, unless you devote yourself to being a nun at a very young age (don't laugh, it happens and it takes some major guts to do).

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Q: Your period is a few days late but it is not always on time when it does come it is light what does that mean?
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There is always the risk to get pregnant. But if your period was just do - pressumably your previous period was 28 days ago or somewhere close to that - then the risk is fairly small. If your period doesn't come, you may want to consult with a doctor, to be sure.

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