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It would have made a great deal more sense to have asked your OB/GYN this question.

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Q: Your period is normal but your obygayne advise you to take provera in one cycle it is good?
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Is it normal not to get your period after taking provera for ten days?

Provera is often given both to encourage the uterine lining to shed, and as a diagnostic tool to find out why the period is late. Lack of bleeding after finishing a round of Provera is not normal, and needs to be reported to the prescriber so that you can take the next diagnostic step together.

Can you start you normal menstrual in the middle of a provera prescription?

Yes, you can start a normal menstrual period in the middle of a Provera prescription. Depending on your particular body and cycle, you can start your period at any point in the prescription. As your body adjusts to the medication, the flow will become lighter and often stops completely.

Can you get the Depo-Provera on the 5th day of your period?

Yes, you can get depo provera on the fifth day of your period. If you start within the first seven days of your period, Depo Provera is immediately effective.

You took provera for 10 days and had your period 4 days after you stop taking them does that mean that the provera pills worked?

Yes the Provera worked. It doesn't matter how long your period lasted for all that matter is your period came after the use of provera.

Can you be pregnant one depo shot then 2months no period?

It is highly unlikely to get pregnant on the depo provera. And if you are worried because you have not had a period in two months that is normal for the depo shot. It is made to stop your period

If you have been on Depo Provera for 6 years and never get a normal period what could it mean if you start cramping and bleeding and your breasts are tender?

In my experience I was on the shot for atleast 3years and I never had a normal period either. In fact I didn't have a period at all. You may just be having your period and it has not been normal so I think you need to go to the doctor.

When you get your first period after stopping Depo-Provera should you use tampons?

You can use anything you like - pads, tampons, cup -- with your period after stopping depo provera.

When will your body go back to normal when stopping the depo?

Depo Provera hormones will leave your body within weeks of stopping Depo Provera. Your regular period may return immediately or up to 18 months later; the average is 11 months.

Is it possible to not get on your period the first month of taking Depo-Provera?

Yeah its normal :-) i just started retaking it been on it 5 yrs :) am only 22 lol

What is the next step if Provera doesn't induce a period?

If you don't get a period after a round of Provera, you need to contact your health care provider to discuss next steps. The Provera challenge is both diagnosis and treatment. Lack of bleeding after Provera indicates a problem in the uterine lining, or a lack of adequate estrogen.

Why do you have to have a period before having the depo injection?

You do not need to have the Depo Provera injection during menstruation. The health care provider should be able to advise you about when you should get the injection. If you have a negative pregnancy test, and can commit to retesting for pregnancy in three weeks, there's no reason that you shouldn't get Depo Provera that day.

Why do the doctor prescribed provera pill?

so you can start your period.