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Don't worry just use a big tampon or panty liner

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Q: Your periods are not regular you got your periods 3 days before after 4 months and you are having breast pain and heavy bleading?
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Enlarge breast late periods no pain in nipples could you be pregnant?

late periods is not the sign of pregnancy but no period is. enlarged breast are signs seen before periods.

Why do you feel stiffness in your breast before periods?

Breast stiffness or tenderness before periods can be due to hormonal changes, particularly an increase in estrogen and progesterone levels. These hormones can cause the breast tissues to swell and retain fluid, leading to feelings of discomfort or fullness. This is a common symptom known as premenstrual breast tenderness and usually resolves once menstruation begins.

Can breast formation start before start of periods in a 9 year old?

Yes they can. Some even before that age.

Can you have breast cancer because you started periods at age eleven?

Beginning menstruation at the age of 11 is not abnormally early, but the longer you have periods, the greater the risk of breast cancer. You need to take the normal precautions that all women should - regular self-checks and annual doctor's checks. If you have additional risk factors such as a family history of breast cancer, then seek advice for the checks you should have.

How does depo affect you if your tubes are tied and you want to come off the shot?

You might have irregular bleeding as your body resumes it's normal menstrual cycle. If you had cramps and breast tenderness with periods before depo, they'll likely return as your regular cycle starts again.

Your periods are irregular after given birth is this normal?

It can take months for your periods get back to normal, especially if you are breast feeding you can miss periods or have long times between them. You can still get pregnant while breast feeding and having irregular periods though so you should still use contraception.

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

What are the most common breast cancer symptoms?

It is important for women to get regular breast exams with their family doctor. Common symptoms of breast cancer are change in how the breast looks or feels, how the nipple looks or feels, or nipple discharge.

Usually you had a breast pain before periods but this time you had a nipple pain is it preganancy sign?

I wouldn't count on nipple pain as a sign of pregnancy unless you have missed your period and have other symptoms including urinating frequently, fatigue, bloating and breast tenderness.

I had a breast tumor removed 10 months ago could i still develop breast cancer in the same breast?

may be, regular checkup is necessary.

What doctor you will consult if you have a pain in breast?

i have had severe breast pain for years but the regular doctor says there is nothing wrong

Why asked about periods when going for breast MRI?

When a girl is having her period, the changes in hormone levels cause a change in breast tissue. This will make it appear different on the MRI, so they ask you about your history of periods in order to account for hormonal changes in your breasts.