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She's got mites...dip her (chemical dip) and in 10 days, dip her again. Her hair should grow back in about a month or perhaps a little longer. The bumps will disappear when the mites stop biting her. Normally her immune system can handle the mites..but if she got sick or there was a low in her immune sytem...the mites gained a foot hold.


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14y ago

Yes, pugs will lose their fur, they are born like this. They will need to wear clothes to keep them warm in the Winter. The reason is, they lose fur and this makes their furs short, this do not keep them real warm, so clothing will be suggested to use in the Winter.

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14y ago

It might be mange, check the skin for a rash.

Mange is easily treated by a vet, but if left untreated can be quite harmful to your dog.

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Q: Your pug is shedding a lot of hair?
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Is a pug a non-shedding dog?

No, the Pug sheds constantly, if not every day.

Is there any shampoo to stop a shedding pug?


Do ginnie pigs shed?

yes. they do my guinea pig has medium hair and he is shedding a lot.

What has been proven to grow hair?

When my hair started shedding, I got a good hair serum from Ebay--you add it into your shampoo. It had a lot of pure oils and herbs. It made my hair really thick and it stopped shedding and started growing. Now, I have my hair back.

Do pug dogs shed a lot?

Yes puggles shed but not very much. They dont shed like crazy there hair is short and very thin so it reduces the hair problem. Both the beagle and pug shed which means the puggle shed. Also, you should brush them to reduce the amount of shedding. My puggle sheds a LOT. Just brushing up against him will leave hair all over your clothes. Not recommended if you don't like to vaccum.

How do you stop a pug malting?

In dogs it is usually called "shedding": shedding is normal and natural, and cannot be "stopped." The best way to deal with shedding is to thoroughly groom the dog once or twice a week as needed, which is a part of responsible dog ownership.

How much does a long haired pug cost?

There is no such thing as a "long-haired pug". Pugs are short-haired and they shed a lot! A long-haired cousin of the pug, the Pekinese, is short nosed and has similar characteristics of the pug, except for the long hair. Hope this helps!

Does a Pug x Cavoodle lose hair?

yes the pug X cavoodle will lose hair as every dog does.

Is there anything to do to help prevent your Pug from so much shedding?

Pugs are natural shedders, so there isn't a lot you can do about it. But there are a few things you can do to help minimize the shedding some, which are:Brush your pug daily, which will remove loose hair, trapping it in the brush which will prevent it from falling out all over your house. Be sure to use a brush made just for that purpose, or it can cause skin damage (scratches, etc.).There are special shampoos made to help eliminate excess shedding. You can get it from your vet or pet supply store. Just be sure to follow the directions, and always rinse the shampoo off thoroughly.Make sure your pug is on a healthy, well balanced dog food, and don't give him people food. A high quality dog food will have all the nutrients your pug needs to help it have a healthy coat, which will minimize shedding. You can check with your vet to see which brand he recommends, or look on the bag which will say "nutritionally balanced".Bathe your pug every 2 - 4 weeks which will also help minimize shedding. Just be sure to use a shampoo made especially for dogs, preferably a moisturizing one. And be sure to rinse throughly!

What do you mean by shedding effect?

Shedding is another word for losing hair.

Do Pug's shed?

NO,pugs don't shed a lot.they only shed once a year and it takes time to get the baby hair out,well if your pug sheds a lot I think that you give it too munch food.When you give a pug a lot food they WILL SHED!! My friend gave her pug too munch food and their house was a mess with hair and when I came a faked to be sick and went home. yes they do and they shed A LOT but if you brush them and use shed control dog shampoo it should help.

Dog had puppies and is shedding a lot?

It's probably a shedding breed.