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Buy another cage. Your rats might warm up to each other if they meet each other on your bed or the floor, but for now don't put hem at risk of injury.

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Q: Your rats are fighting and you only have one cage what should you do?
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Is only one rat okay?

No. Rats should be in pairs or more. They become lonely and depressed if kept in a cage all by themselves.

What is the name of the cage in which rats are kept?

There is no specific name for a cage for rats, its just based on what the housing is. So a cage for rats is just a cage. (Just like a hutch for rabbits is still a hutch even with no rabbits in)

How many cm in length and height should a cage for two or three rats be?

Well for three rats there should be three levels I don't know the length or width but there should be a lot of space and that is because as they get bigger they need more room. My friend has rats and she had hers made I don't where but it is great it has three levels and she has four rats but the bottom level is close to the bottom of the cage and so it is a hiddy sort of place and she has so many toys you can't see the rats. If you get a cage get one with levels.

What is the normal temperature for a pet rats heath and in it cage?

It's cage should be between 65-80f, and the average ratticus norvegicus (norway, or brown rat, which is the only type sold as pets in the US) is 99.14.

What should the minimum size of a cage for two rats be?

I own two full grown adult rats, and my cage is 3 stories...and around 200cm in height .. 120cm in lengh and 90cm in my opinion that would be the minium size cage for two ADULT rats.... in my opinion this a good rat cage for this size and this price (ebay is the best place to look)

How long should pet rats be allowed to play out of their cage?

As long as you have time for! Rats are extremely social animals and love human interaction.

Why are rats afraid of cages?

Not all rats are afraid of cages. My rats have always loved their cage, and when let out to play would wander in and out at their leisure. If you have rats who are afraid of their cage maybe there is something in the cage they do not like, maybe the cage is too small, maybe the cage is not comfortable enough or in a good position. Maybe there is something near the cage that scares the rats or maybe they do not get enough playtime and then resist going back into their cage. There are many reasons why a rat may be fearful of their cage, so there is no definitive answer.

Can you put baby rats in cage with the father after they are separated from their mother?

So long as those baby rats are all boys, yes, but it should be taken slowly, as some adult males will kill baby rats.

Do rats have nest?

yup, wild ones almost always do. And pet rats have their cage.

Do fancy rats do better with a mate or by itself?

They should have at least one other cage mate so they do not get lonely and stressed out.