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now if you let it soak in warm goats milk untill it expands and goes all squidgy and turns into a sloppy dogfood goat milk mess they will love it once they get used to it trust me

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Q: Your terior has 6 puppies 4 weeks old when can you feed them puppy food?
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How do you take care of a two week old dog without its mother?

You would have to bottle feed the puppy until it is old enough to wean and get on solid food. If it is two weeks old and healthy that could happen fairly soon. There are puppy milk formulas available that you can feed or you can make your own. There are several recipes on line if you search "bottle feeding puppies". Bottle feeding infant puppies can be very difficult but if a puppy is already two weeks old it should be easier.

Why wait to sell puppies?

The puppies need their mother's milk. No one wants to feed a liitle puppy with a tiny baby bottle several times a day. People want puppies that can eat puppy food. They want puppies that can walk.

Does moist puppy food hurt puppies?

We have the company assurance that moist food won't hurt them. But, you need to know, if you only feed your dog soft food it can affect their teeth. Most breeders feed, their puppies & dogs, dry puppy or dog food.

When can Shih Tzu puppies leave mom?

When they are 12 weeks of age. A responsible breeder will not give up his or her puppies until they are 12 weeks old. When they reach that age, they will no longer have to feed from their mother.

How long do puppies suckle for My GSD has 9 puppies and they are now 2 weeks old. She doesn't seem to stay with them for very long periods like when they were first born. Does the time get less?

Yes, the mother will feed them less as they get older. Now is the time to start feeding them mushy puppy food, to help in the weening.

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Your dog does not want to feed her puppies their about 3 weeks old can you feed them puppy food?

no feed them baby formula until two months or until mom wants to feed them then u can feed them puppy foodAnother answer:Sorry, the answer above is not correct. Puppies can start eating moistened puppy food at about three weeks. If they don't eat enough of it, you can supplement with formula. By six weeks they should be completely off formula and on food only. Feed your puppy some milk from the store and be shure to take good care of your puppy too

"what do you feed puppys"?

Puppies under 4-5 weeks of age need the mother's milk, or puppy formula found at pet supply stores. Over 4-5 weeks of age, they can eat puppy food.

How old do you feed puppies puppy food?

from 6 weeks through 1 year and 2 months of age

How should I feed my puppy and play with it?

feed it puppies

What type of food should you feed to a Staffordshire bull terrier puppy at 10 weeks old?

It is best to feed them food that is made especially for puppies, and not any human food.

How long before you can feed your pomeranias puppies puppy food?

By 3 to 4 weeks you can start soaking puppy food in warm water fluffing with a fork by 5 to 6 weeks they should have teeth to eat dry food.

You have 7 4 weeks old puppies what do you feed them?

You can start giving them some puppy food with water mixed in, then gradually give them the food dry.

What do you feed a puppy once it is taken from its mother?

You feed it Puppy milk and Bakers Puppy Food with a hint of water MAKE SURE THE TYPE OF FOOD IS FOR PUPPIES THOUGH

When do you feed your dog puppy food during her pregnancy?

As soon as you find out your dog is pregnant, you should start feeding her puppy food, because it helps the puppies inside her develop properly and come out healthy. And you should continue to feed her puppy food after she has the puppies, because it gives her millk the vitamins that the puppies need. Keep feeding her the puppy food until she is no longer nursing the puppies.

Can you feed baby puppies baby formula?

It is better for the puppy to be given puppy formula available from the vet.

How old does a puppy has to be to eat soft food?

Usually a good time after they mature, about 4 weeks puppies can eat mild soft food, and when they get older, one can purchase puppy sized food from the petstore. Its recommended to feed puppies with softer (or soaked pellets) before their teeth form.

How do you take care of a two week old dog without its mother?

You would have to bottle feed the puppy until it is old enough to wean and get on solid food. If it is two weeks old and healthy that could happen fairly soon. There are puppy milk formulas available that you can feed or you can make your own. There are several recipes on line if you search "bottle feeding puppies". Bottle feeding infant puppies can be very difficult but if a puppy is already two weeks old it should be easier.