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Yes in 1807 and he was taken by the Spanish Army to Santa Fe and Chihuahua before being released at the Louisiana border.

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Q: Zebulon Pike got captured in the Spanish territory?
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Who captured Zebulon Pike?

Zebulon Pike was captured by Spanish soldiers when he attempted to explore Spanish territory in present-day Colorado in 1807. He and his men were taken as prisoners and held for several months before being released.

Who was captured by the Spanish because they believed he was a spy?

Zebulon Pike

Whose expedition went into Spanish Territory?

Zebulon Pike

What authorities was Zebulon Pike captured by?

The Spanish Army who thought he was a spy.

Who was the American explorer captured by Spanish troops in New Mexico?

Zebulon pike

Why was Zebulon Pike and his group arrested by spanish authorities?

because he invaded the Spanish Territory

When was Zebulon Pike captured and by who?

Zebulon Pike was captured on February 26, 1807 by Spanish authorities in northern New Mexico, now part of Colorado. Pike and his men were taken to Santa Fe, then to Chihuahua where he appeared before the Commandant General Salcedo.

Who explored into the Rocky Mountains and then south into Spanish held territory between 1806 and 1807?

Zebulon Pike.

Who explored into the Rocky Mountains and then south into Spanish-held territory between 1806 and 1807?

Zebulon Pike.

Why did the Spanish fear Zebulon Pike's explorations?

The Spanish feared Zebulon Pike's explorations because they believed he was secretly mapping out their territories in North America to potentially aid American expansionism. Pike's expeditions were seen as a threat to Spanish territorial claims and control in the region.

When did Zebulon Pike get captured?

On 26 February 1807.

What did Zebulon Pike explore?

Zebulon Pike explored the Rocky Mountains in the Louisiana Territory. They named a mountain in Colorado after him.