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When zinc granules are reacted with dilute HCl (hydrochloric acid), zinc chloride i.e. ZnCl2 is formed along with the evolution of hydrogen gas H2.

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Q: Zinc granules are treated with dilute hydrocholoric?
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When dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules the gas produced is?

When sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules , the gas produced is hydrogen gas. Zinc displaces hydrogen from sulphuric acid.

What happens when dilute sulfuric acid is added over zinc granules?

coz when we dilute zinc granules are reacted with dilute HCl (hydrochloric acid), zinc chloride i.e. ZnCl2 is formed along with the evolution of hydrogen gas H2. the presence of hydrogen gas can be tested by bringing a naked flame to the mouth of the test tube. Hydrogen gas burns with a pop sound.

What acid and base would you use to make zinc nitrate?

You'd only need dilute nitric acid reacting with zinc powder or granules

What is the effect on zinc granules when added to dilute sulphuric acid?

the test tube which holds the zinc becomes hot , the zinc turns into zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is produced. It is a chemical change.

Whats made when you react zinc granules and dilute acid?

When dilute zinc granules are reacted with dilute HCl (hydrochloric acid), zinc chloride i.e. ZnCl2 is formed along with the evolution of hydrogen gas H2. the presence of hydrogen gas can be tested by bringing a naked flame to the mouth of the test tube. Hydrogen gas burns with a pop sound.

What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules . Is it an exothermic or an endothermic reaction?

The reactions between metals and acids are always endothermic.

What is the colour of zinc after when zinc granules react with hcl?


What happens zinc granules are placed in copper sulphate solution?

zinc granules will have their colour changed to brownish black in colour.

During reaction of zinc and sulfuric acid what happens to zinc granules?

They get converted to zinc sulfate

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Does bronze react with dilute acids?

The metals present in bronze are copper and zinc. Though copper does not react with dilute acids, zinc does.