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Q: Zoo Tycoon 2 Extinct Animals how to cure diseased warrah?
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Where do warrah's live?

Warrahs are extinct, but they used to live in the falkland islands

What are all the diseases your animals can catch in Zoo Tycoon 2 Extinct Animals?

Here are the three I know: Cat-scratch fever: Affects big cats, caused by scratching post, cured with aloe vera. Pink elephant disease: Affects elephants, caused by pursuit ball, cured with cotton candy stall. Speedy Syndrome: Affects rhinos, caused by coffee shop, cured with tall goldenrod.

What is the difference between extinction and species endangerment?

Extinction refers to complete eradication of a species such as the Warrah or Dinosaurs (things that no longer exist), whereas an endangered species is merely under threat of eventual extinction, but is not there yet, like a panda or a California Condor.

What are important rivers in Falkland islands?

East Falklands - Malo River, Moody Brook, Mullet Creek, Murrell River, San Carlos River West Falklands - Blackburn River, Chartres River, Warrah River, Green Hills Stream

Is the Falkand islands wolf a fox or a wolf?

It is a wolf. Though it's closest realitive is the maned wolf, which is fox-like but is a wolf. They are exincted creatures but the Falkland Islands Wolf/Warrah/ Falkland Islands dog/Falkland Islands fox or Antarctic wolf is a wolf and not a fox.

Do sled dogs live in Antarctica?

No animal lives on Antarctica, on the continent -- as Antarctica is a polar desert, and no animals can survive there: it's too cold and there is no food chain. However, sea mammals and sea birds breed on Antarctica's beaches, because there are no land predators.There are four species of penguins that breed on the continent's beaches: Adelie, Chinstrap, Gentoo and Emperor.These animals are sea birds and live at seaOther birds which breed on the coastal fringes of the sub-Antarctic islands, visiting Antarctic waters, include various species of albatross, cormorant, fulmar, gull (kelp gull), petrel, sheathbill, skua, and the Arctic tern which migrates from the Arctic to the Antarctic every year.Seals which live in the Southern Ocean that surrounds the Antarctic continent include the Southern Elephant seal, Crabeater, Antarctic Fur, Leopard, Ross and Weddell seals.Whales known to frequent Antarctic waters include the Blue whale, Fin, Humpback, Minke, Orca, Southern Right, Seiand Sperm whales.Fish include the Antarctic cod, Patagonian toothfish and Icefish. Squid also live in the Antarctic waters.