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Some of the times bullies say they will increase their oppression if the victim reveals what has occurred , most of the time the victim feels embarrassed and ashamed of what has happened, so they do not want to share it with anyone.

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Q: Do people isolate themselves from others when bullied?
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What really forces people to bully others?

Fear of being bullied themselves, and to show off in front of others.

What are some reasons people are bullied?

Because they themselves are bullied.

What will the people who get bullied do?

Most people who are bullied will be hurt and perhaps angry at those who bullied them, but they will move on and realize that the people who bullied them usually have issues of their own that they take out on others.

What are the roles of the people being bullied and the bully?

the bullied are self concious and very scared and mad at themselves. the bully is the one who inflicts these terrible emotions on the bullied

How many people who have been bullied turn into bullies themselves?

most of them

How has demi made an impact on others lives?

Demi Lovato has made an impact to anyone who has been bullied, she was bullied herself when she was younger and she still is now with haters calling her oversized. She has written songs to inspire people by telling people to be themselves, stand up for themselves and to not let anything stand in their way from their dreams. Hope that helped!

Why do handicaps get bullied?

cuz they cant defend themselves as good and people make fun of people who are different

Why do bullies pick on people?

Bullies may pick on others due to various reasons such as seeking attention, feeling insecure about themselves, wanting to feel powerful, or mimicking behavior they have seen modeled. It is essential to address the root cause of their behavior and provide them with appropriate support and guidance to promote positive interactions.

How many people have got bullied?

There are no true statistics because many individuals who are bullied tend to keep it to themselves for fear that the bully or bullies will make matters worse for them.

What makes people lonely?

People feel lonely for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, one might feel as if there is no one in the world that understands them. This can cause them to isolate themselves from others. Another reason might shyness and an inability to go out and make friends.

Why do you have to get bullied?

You don't have to get bullied. To not get bullied you have to always stand up for yourself and make sure you don't gossip and are nice to people. Bullies will pick on kids who are quiet and weak because they know they won't stand up for themselves. Hope this helps you.

Why are gay people bullied?

Most homophobia is religion-based. Other times, people are battling their own demons, and if they can make someone lower than themselves, they feel better about themselves.