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Q: How does a cheetah change from birth to death?
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How do cheetah babies change?

they change just like us the mother gives birth to the cub

How many times will a cheetah give birth and how often?

A cheetah can give birth up to 2 times and those times will be when the cheetah is 2 and 3. Awesome question!

How does a cheetah give birth?

A cheetah is a mammal, so the female cheetah carries live young within her womb. The gestation period for the cheetah is about 90 days. As a mammal, cheetahs give birth to live young.

What happens when a mother cheetah gives birth?

A little baby cheetah comes out.

How small is a cheetah cub at birth?

At birth a cheetah cub weighs approximatey two pounds. A cheetah cub stays with its mother until it is about a year and half old before its mother abandons it to be on its own.

Where does a cheetah give birth?

tall grass

What is the birth size of a cheetah cub?


The change in growth rate that results from the change in birth and death rates is known as?

natrual increas?

How do birth and death rates change when a population goes through the demographic?

They decrease

What happens if a birth rate does not equal death rate population?

There is a change in population.

When does a population not change?

When the death toll and birth rate of people are equal around the world.

What will happen to population size if the birth rate and the death rate are equal?

It doesn't change.