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Having an associate nursing degree will allow you to work at entry-level jobs in the field. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, nursing graduates are likely to have a promising job prospect in the coming years.

To obtain an associate nursing degree, you will first need to conduct research on what types of programs you want. For example, if you are unable to travel to campus every day or you are currently having a full-time job, you may want to consider getting an associate nursing degree through an online program. However, if you lack self-motivation or do not have stable internet access, a campus program will be more suitable as you will be able to interact with your instructors and classmates directly.

Look up associate nursing programs online and at your local community colleges. However, before you enroll make sure that the program is accredited by by the State Boards of Nursing. Otherwise, your qualification will not be recognized by most healthcare practitioners and medical facilities. These courses usually take only two years if you participate as a full-time student. In a two-year associate nursing program, you will learn a lot of necessary technical skills but only a small amount of theories. Courses in a associate nursing program may include anatomy, physiology, chemistry, Biology, family health, pharmacology, mental health, and pediatric and geriatric health. This will prepare you for a hour-year Bachelor’s degree program if you wish to advance in the healthcare job market.

After graduating with an Associate nursing degree, you will be eligible to become a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse by passing the NCLEX exam administered by the State Boards of Nusing. Thus, even though the opportunity for advancement may not be so favorable for nurses with an associate degree, they can start earning money earlier than people who spend two extra years studying for a Bachelor’s degree. The tuition fee for getting an associate nursing degree varies according to different colleges. However, most programs cost no more than a couple thousand dollars.

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The three major educational paths to registered nursing are a bachelor's degree, an associate degree, and a diploma from an approved nursing program. Nurses most commonly enter the occupation by completing an associate degree or bachelor's degree program.

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For registered nurses at this level it is typically an associate of science degree in nursing.

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To get a nurse's degree one would have to complete a nursing degree program from a university or local college. There are different types of nursing degrees such as an Associate's Degree in Nursing, a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, a Master's of Science in Nursing Degree, and a Doctorate Degree in Nursing.

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hospitals, nursing homes, home care nursing, hospice.

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ADN stands for Associate Degree Nursing. It is a degree given to those who study for two years and pass the Nursing courses at a community or nursing college.

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A bachelor degree is a four-year degree and takes about 128 credits to obtain. An associate's degree is a two year degree and takes about 64 credits to obtain.

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In order to obtain a nursing degree you must first enroll in nursing school. Look for a school that is affiliated with your local hospital as this where you will train. Once you graduate and perform your internship hours you will then graduate with you degree.