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Embarking on an exercise fitness regimen can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task. Every year, millions of people set weight loss and fitness goals to try and achieve the results they desire. Many are successful in their quest, others are not. Launching your exercise fitness routine does not have to be difficult, mysterious or frustrating. By following a few simple steps, you will be well on your way to the new body and look that you desire.

The first step in starting a successful exercise fitness plan is to set a reasonable goal. For some, the goal is a specific weight that they want to reach. For others, the ultimate aim is to be more physically fit. Others aim to lose a percentage of body fat or gain a percentage of muscle mass. Whatever your goal, it is important that you stick to it and update it as needed.

Once your goal is set, it is important to know the math and science that accompanies successful fitness programs. The body burns a certain number of calories to be able to function on a daily basis. Your body’s caloric needs are determined by a number of factors including your body weight, gender, height and level of activity. A slender woman who lives a sedentary lifestyle requires fewer daily calories than a man who works at a construction site, for example. To lose weight, you must take in fewer calories than your body needs to create a deficit. When you take in more calories than your body burns, you will gain weight. Finding out your body’s caloric needs is the first step in your exercise fitness plan.

After setting your goals and determining your body’s caloric needs, you will need a plan for your exercise routine. For weight loss, you must burn 3,500 more calories than your body needs in order to lose one pound of fat. This equates to about 500 calories per day. To burn 500 calories per day, you will need to either participate in a fitness activity that burns this amount, or eliminate 500 calories from your diet.

Preparing yourself for an exercise fitness plan can be a great way to motivate yourself to become more physically fit or to lose weight. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or just feel healthier, starting your fitness plan is the first step in seeing real results.

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Q: How to Plan The Best Exercise Fitness Routine?
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