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Undergoing hip surgery can be scary for anyone. It is very important for you to learn everything you can about the surgery and what to expect. Knowing these things can help you to be more prepared. However, you also need to learn what you can do to prepare yourself for a quicker recovery from the surgery itself.

First of all, you must be prepared for a hospital stay of anywhere between three and ten days. This is often the most difficult part, as most individuals just want to be home. However, knowing in advance how long your stay will be will help you to get through it. The fact is the doctor is not going to let you leave until you can accomplish certain tasks on your own.

As part of the recovery process, you must undergo physical therapy to get your hip recover from the surgery. You may need special equipment at home, such as a walker or crutches. If your bedroom is upstairs, you should also have an adequate place to sleep downstairs. Other things to get in place before your surgery may include a toilet-seat riser, a grab stick, and a shower stool. All of these things will make your recovery much quicker, as there is less risk for injury.

Unfortunately, when you do go home, you are going to need help. There are going to be many things you should not do by yourself, including bathing. Whether you hire a nursing aid to come in and assist you or you have a family member staying with you, it is important to plan this out beforehand. Waiting until the last minute could delay your homecoming and even cause you to be at risk for injury if you are staying alone.

Last, and not of the least importance, is making sure you are able to get the proper nutrition. If you are not eating nutritious meals after your surgery, it will slow down your recovery process. If you can, prepare several meals in advance and put them in the freezer. Those who are unable to do this should consider hiring someone to bring in meals to them everyday or join a meal plan in their community.

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Q: How to Prepare For a Quick Recovery From Hip Surgery?
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After hip surgery, how long does the recovery process usually take?

After hip replacement surgery the patient can stay 3 to 4 days in the hospital, after that they will be release to go home if they have someone who can assist them. If they do not have assistance at home they will be sent to a rehabilitaion center.

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Advantages of hip resurfacing surgery instead of hip replacement surgery include bone preservation, reduced chance of dislocation and easier revision. You can learn more about hip resurfacing techniques from the Wikipedia website.

Can an morbid obeist man get a hip replacement?

If the Surgeon is willing to operate, then yes, however, the surgery is more difficult, recovery longer, and outcomes poorer on average for these patients.

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There are no patron saints of healing after hip surgery.

How long does hip replacement surgery takes?

Hip replacement surgery takes between one and two hours. You will have to stay in the hospital after your surgery.

How old was Queen Mother Elizabeth when she had hip replacement surgery?

Having a hip replacement at 97 years of age must make Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother one of the oldest hip replacement patients ever. The Queen Mum (as she was affectionately known) had already had one hip replaced at the age of 95 (metal-on-poly) and recovered well from the procedure only to fall and break her other hip two years later. On each occasion the Queen Mother made an amazingly quick recovery. She was a woman with a huge amount of spirit.

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What are the risks associated with hip replacement surgery.?

Hip replacement surgeries uses artificial material to restore normal function to damaged joints. Common risks are infections, blood clots, and occasionally nerve damage affecting sensations to the leg. The latter may self-correct with time. Dislocation of the hip can occur if strict adherence to recovery guide lines is not followed in the days and weeks following surgery.