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Oz Garcia's Choice Vitamins for Top Efficiency

There are no vitamins that will directly increase the amount of energy an individual has. This is because vitamins serve as components in the chemical processes that the body uses to perform functions that, in turn, provide the body with the energy that is needed to be active. Increasing the amount of energy that an individual has is a combination of a healthy and balanced diet, good nutrition, and the proper amount of vitamins. Once the body has the tools that it needs to convert food into energy and to fight off energy draining injuries and viruses, then more energy will be available for other activities.

One of the most important vitamins that can help in the creation of energy is the entire range of B complex vitamins. This class of vitamins work together to turn the food that is eaten into useful molecules that can be stored by the body for later use, or burned immediately to provide energy. A lack of B vitamins in a diet can lead to severe fatigue and lethargy. Zinc and iron are two supplemental minerals that need to be taken with vitamins so that they are more readily absorbed into the body, and to complete the chemical process that allow blood cells to be created.

Instead of helping the chemical processes that create energy, vitamins like vitamin C help to create energy by defending the body. Vitamin C helps the creation of infection fighting white blood cells and boosts the immune system. This benefits a body by allowing more energy to be stored and spent for activities like running, thinking, or exercising. When a body becomes sick, energy is often spent fighting off the infection or virus, leaving a person drained and tired. Vitamin C is important to take either as a supplement or through foods like Oranges because the body is incapable of producing it on its own.

For the best combination of vitamins and other important elements, a good multivitamin can be very useful. This will provide a range of vitamins that will help the body function efficiently while also protecting it from disease and illness. When combined with a balanced diet, this will allow the body to create and store energy that can be used for activities anytime.

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Q: Selecting The Best Diet And Vitamins For Energy?
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