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Keeping your heart in the best shape possible is a vital and important part of your health. To reduce your chance of having Heart disease, be sure to include foods in your diet that include healthy fats. Healthy fats include Omega-3 fatty acids, found in various foods. Include items like salmon, flaxseed, oatmeal, walnuts, and almonds to get a dose of these heart healthy fats a minimum of twice per week. This will help keep your arteries clear, reduce clotting, and even cut your chances of suffering from a heart attack.

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Q: Top Foods to Keep Your Heart Healthy?
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A healthy heat diet would consist of eating low- fat protein foods. It would also be helpful if you cut down on fatty foods and eat more fruits and vegetables.

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When it comes to a healthy heart exercise is important but diet is even more important. Without proper nutrition, exercise won't do anything for your heart. Read up on plenty of books, magazines, blogs ect. for more imformation.

Why is healthy food called healthy food?

Which foods are best for health and their advantages and disadvantages. You can read all this in my article. It also details the top 10 foods. vitalspell com/2021/01/what-are-the-top-10-healthiest-foods-you-can-eat.html

which foods are healthy?

Top 15 healthy foods you should be eating Fish. ... Broccoli or any of the cruciferous vegetables. ... Beets. ... Spinach and other leafy green vegetables. ... Kale. ... Peanut butter. ... Almonds. ... Mangos.

What do the stairs represent in the food pyramid?

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to work hard top keep the leaf healthy

What in strawberry is healthy 4 u?

In all, the antioxidants. Strawberries rank 27 of the best foods for top fifty best foods one could eat.

What are the top 10 foods that help prevent heart disease?

Antioxidants are effective in preventing heart disease. The top 10 foods containing antioxidants are berries, broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, garlic, spinach, tea, carrots, soy, and whole grains.