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Q: What is the frequency at which nerve and muscle stimulation ceases?
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The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction?

stimulation of the muscle by a nerve ending.

Does transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation help with muscle and joint pain?


Why curare reduces the response to nerve stimulation?

Curare reduces the response to nerve stimulation because it acts as a neuro-muscular blocking agent, or muscle relaxant. It is also known as tubocurarine.

What muscle and nerve will you need to isolate to study the physiology of nerve fibers?

To study the physiology of nerve fibers, you would need to isolate a specific muscle and the nerve innervating that muscle. This allows for the investigation of the interaction between the nerve and muscle, observing the transmission of signals and studying the response of the muscle to nerve stimulation. Commonly studied muscles and nerves in this context include the gastrocnemius muscle and the sciatic nerve in animal models.

What is the repetitive nerve stimulation test to diagnose myasthenia gravis?

This test records weakening muscle responses when the nerves are repetitively stimulated, and helps to differentiate nerve disorders from muscle disorders.

Skeletal muscles need nerve stimulation for contraction to occur?

Yes, they need nervous system stimulation to move. A person who has been in an accident and cut or damaged nerves to some muscles can not move those. A person who has had polio can have the same damage. The same goes for people with MS.

The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction is The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction is?

stimulation of the muscle by a nerve ending.

What is an acceleromyograph?

An acceleromyograph is a piezoelectric myograph, used to measure the force produced by a muscle after it has undergone nerve stimulation.

What is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation also called?

Electrical nerve stimulation

Why does repetitive nerve stimulation result in decreased amplitude of the muscle contraction?

The destruction of ACh receptors makes skeletal muscle less responsive to nerve stimulation and more likely to prematurely fatigue. With fewer ACh receptors available to bind to ACh, the skeletal muscle cell membrane potentials have a more difficult time reaching the threshold potential and initiating contraction. Thus, the normal degree of fatigue noted during repetitive nerve stimulation is exacerbated in an individual with myasthenia gravis.

What does threshold mean in a muscle or nerve cell membrane?

Threshod is the amount of force or exertion that a muscle or nerve cell can withstand at the peak of stimulation. Extending over a threshold can lead to cell over-exertion and possible damage to the internal structures.

What is vagal nerve stimulation?

Vagal nerve stimulation is a treatment for epilepsy in which an electrode is implanted in the neck to deliver electrical impulses to the vagus nerve.