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Q: Why did the colonists dress like native Americans?
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What were the relationships that the natives and colonists like?

like the Spanish , these colonists found native Americans living in the places they found settled . in some cases , new colonists lived peacefully with native Americans,

What relationship did the Maryland colonists have with Native Americans?

The colonists in Maryland were not nice to the Native Americans. The Native Americans taught the colonists how to grow crops, hunt, fish, and travel on water. The colonists did not help the Native Americans socially or economically.

What was the relationship between Native Americans and the colonists of Georgia?

the relationship between the colonists and Native Americans wasn't very good they didn't like the colonists because they hunted their game, took "their land," and they brought un wanted diseases and plagues from their country.

What is dona Lina's attitude towards native Americans or Indians?

She does not like them because of how they dress.

Did colonist dress like British solders and climb aboard ships in Boston harbor?

No they dressed like Native Americans

How did the want of natural resources results in cooperation between the Virginia colonists and native American?

The Virginia colonists sought natural resources like food, fur, and land. They realized they would need the cooperation of the Native Americans to survive and thrive in the new environment. Through trade and alliances, the colonists and Native Americans exchanged goods and knowledge, forming cooperative relationships based on mutual benefit and shared resources.

What side did the most native Americans support in the American revolution?

Depends, some northeastern tribes supported the English while others the colonists. Just like any group there were those who were neutral.

Do Mexican people dress like Americans?

Yes, just like Americans

How did the Native Americans dance?

the native Americans danced like darlene rodshot

How did mission life change for the native Americans?

The mission system did no favors for the Native Americans. It made them into slaves that were treated horribly by the church. Historians are finding mass graves today on mission grounds. As with many things like the missions they couldn't eat, worship, or dress according to their native cultures.

Which area caused the greatest misunderstanding between native Americans and colonists?

Probably the greatest miscommunication was regarding treaties and land ownership. The Indians didn't feel like they owned the land and the colonists didn't observe the treaties.

Is there Indians on red dead redemption?

no but they have native americans that are not what we usually think of. they use regular guns and dress like every body else pretty much. Dutch's gang is all native american.