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Q: A member of the United States congress must resign from congress if elected or appointed to a position in the executive or judicial branch. This requirements is an example of?
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A member of the US Congress must resign from Congress if elected or appointed to a position in the executive or judicial branch This requirement is an example of?

checks and balances

Are federal judges appointed by congress?

No. The constitution forbids any person from holding office in more than one branch of government (legislative/judicial/executive) at any given time. Federal judges are part of the judicial branch, while the senate is part of the executive branch.

What are the branches of government and their meanings?

Executive - Executes and carries out laws; "enforces" them. Has the power to veto bills from Congress. President appointed for 4 years. Legislative - This is Congress/Senate, has the power to create laws. Senators appointed for 2 years. Judicial - This is the Supreme Court, has the power to interpret/understand laws and their language (e.g. understand what the Constitution meant by the 5th paragraph, and what that means in reality, etc.). Judges appointed for life.

What are the branches of the Government of the US?

The Executive Branch;The Legislative Branch;The Judicial Branch.Legislative Executive Judicial1.Legislative branch - (i.e. Congress).2.Executive branch (i.e. The President).3.Judicial branch (i.e. The Supreme Court).

What is the list of the three branches of government and the requirements for office?

* Executive - President and Vice President * Legislative - Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representitives * Judicial - the Supreme Court* Executive - President and Vice President * Legislative - Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representitives * Judicial - the Supreme Court* Executive - President and Vice President * Legislative - Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representitives * Judicial - the Supreme Court* Executive - President and Vice President * Legislative - Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representitives * Judicial - the Supreme Court* Executive - President and Vice President * Legislative - Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representitives * Judicial - the Supreme Court* Executive - President and Vice President * Legislative - Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representitives * Judicial - the Supreme Court

How does the senate check the judiciary power?

On a Federal Level the Senate Confirms appointed positions both in the judicial and executive branches. As well, the senate has the power to impeach appointed and elected positions in the executive and judicial branches.

Who was the Supreme Court justice?

The President of the United States is the chief of the executive branch, congress and voters are the leaders of the legislative branch, and each judge in the supreme court on the Judicial branch of government are appointed by congress and voters like you.

Is the president executive judicial or legislative?

The President is part of the executive branch, and Congress is part of the legislative branch. Courts, such as the Supreme Court, are part of the judicial branch.

What are the federal government's three branches of power?

The United States Government is divided into three branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

What are the three branches of government as defined by the constitution?

The Constitution sets out three branches of government; Executive Branch (Lead by the president), the Legislative Branch (Lead by congress) and the Judicial Branch (Lead by the Supreme Court).

What is the 3 separate of governments?

legislative( congress), executive( president), and judicial

Is the executive also congress?

Yes it is also is the Legislative and Judicial dimwit!