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Q: A system that divided powers between the states and the federal government?
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When power is divided between the states and the federal government it is known as?

In a situation where by power is been divided between center and province is what will called federalism

What is a Quasi federal system?

where the powers of government are divided and the concentration of power are in the hands of center government

Why did delegates settle on a federal form of government instead of a system in which power was not divided between state and national governments?

The delegates settled on a federal form of government instead of a system in which power was not divided between state and national government because they believed that it provided for a much stronger national government with a chief executive (the president), courts, and taxing powers.

What feature of the U.S. government is based on the principle of federalism?

the division of powers between the federal government and the states. hope that helps.

What is one power that belongs to the federal government under the constitution?

To print moneyTo declare warTo create an armyTo make treatiesThe powers of government are divided between the federal government and the state governments. The federal government is known as a limited government. Its powers are restricted to those described in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution gives the federal government the power to print money, declare war , create an army, and make treaties with other nations. Most other powers that are not given to the federal government in the Constitution belong to the states.

Related questions

What is the federal system?

A system that divided powers between the states and the federal government.

In which type of government are powers divided between a central government and several regional or local government?

Federal government has the power. The power is what is divided in between central government and local government.

What are the principals of federalism?

Powers are divided between state and federal government

Ehich statement explains the principle of federalism?

The powers of government are divided between the federal government and the states.

When power is divided between the states and the federal government it is known as?

In a situation where by power is been divided between center and province is what will called federalism

A government in which powers are divided between a national government and state government with the national government being supreme is called?

Federal Government

Is power divided between the national and state governments under the federal system of government?

Yes, with the stipulation that federal powers override the state powers.

What is one key difference between unitary and federal governments?

unitary is where all powers are held by a single central agency. Federal has the powers of the government divided by a written constitution between central government and regional.

How would power be divided between the state and federal governments?

The powers of the US Constitution were clearly "spelled out" for the most part. In order to satisfy statesmen that the Federal government would not have overwhelming power, the Constitution specifies that all powers not given to the Federal government belonged to the States. That is how power is divided between the States and the Federal government.

What power are shared by the federal and state of government?

Powers shared between states and the federal government are Concurrent powers.

Powers shared by the state and federal government Are called what powers?

Powers shared between states and the federal government are Concurrent powers.

Why did the federalists believe that the constitution would prevent the national government form gaining too much power?

it divided the powers into three branchesIt divided the federal government into three branches.